Page 8 - EW September 2022
P. 8
From the
Volume X XIII No.9
BOARD OF ADVISORS O ver the past 15 years since the detailed globally unprecedented
EducationWorld India School Rankings (EWISR) survey was
N.R. Narayana Murthy, H.V. Gowthama, Shukla
Bose, Dr. Glenn Christo, Dr. R. Natarajan introduced, it has generated great enthusiasm within the
(Bangalore); Adi Godrej, Dr. Augustine Pinto, educationists, institutional promoters, principals, teachers and
Krishan Khanna, Guilherme Vaz, Ketan Gala, students communities countrywide. This is because unlike all
Kirit Mehta, Balkishan Sharma (Mumbai); Dr.
Ramdas Pai (Manipal); Dr. Geeta Kingdon other schools ranking league tables (except for blatant knock-
(Lucknow); Rajiv Desai, Dr. Parth Shah, Jeroninio offs) which evaluate primary-secondary schools on a single parameter, i.e,
Almeida, Premchand Palety (Delhi); Dr. Kannan
Gireesh (Chennai); Robindra Subba (Kurseong); learning outcomes in school-leaving board exams, the annual EWISR league
Sanjeev Bolia (Kolkata); Dr. Achyuta Samanta tables assess schools under 12-15 parameters including teacher welfare and
(Bhubaneswar); Shyama Thakore (London)
development, teachers competence, leadership, infrastructure, co-curricular
EDITOR menu, sports education, parental involvement, among others.
Dilip Thakore Moreover the methodology adopted by us is based on elaborate — and
MANAGING EDITOR expensive — field interviews, rather than the usual six jurors sitting in a
Summiya Yasmeen room with little knowledge of schools beyond their bailiwicks. Every summer
CHIEF SUB-EDITOR over a period of four months, field researchers of the Centre for Forecasting
Sundar Anand & Research Pvt. Ltd, aka C fore, Delhi, a highly-reputed specialised market
Paromita Sengupta, Reshma Ravishanker, Gopi research and opinion polls company, persuade over 14,000 carefully chosen,
Chand N, (Bangalore), Autar Nehru (Delhi) knowledgeable sample respondents (educationists, fees-paying parents, prin-
9868256512, Baishali Mukherjee (Kolkata)
9836491981, Shivani Chaturvedi (Chennai) cipals, teachers and senior students) to rate the country’s 3,500-4,000 most
9500506102, Dipta Joshi (Mumbai) 9920243111 reputed schools on a scale of 1-100 on 12-15 parameters of school education
CHIEF EXECUTIVE excellence. Subsequently, the parameter scores are totaled to rank schools in
Bhavin Shah +91 9867382867 22 segregated categories. We believe that segregating schools for assessment
MARKETING and ranking is important to provide level playing fields and eliminate apples
West: Tejas Pattni (General Manager) 9022487997 and oranges type comparisons.
Aasana Jain (Marketing Manager) The objective of this prolix explanation of our institutional ranking meth-
South India: Poonam Shah 9731966373 odology is to assure readers that maximum possible care has been taken to
North: Hannan Ahmed 9810302768 make the annual EWISR league tables as fair and objective as possible to en-
GRAPHICS able parents to choose most aptitudinally and emotionally suitable schools for
Suresh K. their children. This is important because choosing a school that will optimally
SUBSCRIPTIONS develop the unique intelligence(s) of children in their formative years will
Kiran Kumar: 9108225694/ shape the rest of their lives. The proposition that academic reputation and
080 43711141 record should be the sole criterion for selecting children’s schools has become
ONE YEAR SUBSCRIPTION: RS.1700 We hope EWISR 2022-23 which rates and ranks 3,500-4,000 of India’s
Cheques/drafts in favour of DT Media & most admired schools in 392 cities and towns countrywide will aid and en-
Entertainment Pvt. Ltd. Bangalore able parents to select the most suitable school for their children. Simultane-
EDITORIAL ously, a parallel objective of the annual EWISR — the world’s largest and
C3-36, 3rd Floor, Devatha Plaza most comprehensive schools ranking survey — is to stimulate and motivate
131 Residency Road, Bangalore 560 025. institutional managements to strive for all-round perfection and benchmark
Tel: 080 22480880; Fax: 2227 5962; themselves with globally respected schools. India’s 1.5 million schools —
including 450,000 private schools — have a vitally important responsibility
Printed and published by Dilip Thakore on behalf
of DT Media & Entertainment Pvt. Ltd. to nurture and develop the world’s largest and most high-potential child and
Printed at Rajhans Enterprises, 134, 4th Main, In- youth population.
dustrial Town, Rajajinagar, Bangalore-44. Published
at C3-36, 3rd Floor, Devatha Plaza, 131 Residency
Road. Bangalore 560 025.
Editor Dilip Thakore.
RNI No. KARENG/1999/00234