Page 42 - EducationWorld January 2023
P. 42
Pictorial Essay (Part I)
(L-R) Panelists Dr. Arunabh Singh, director, Nehru World School, Ghaziabad; Prof. Romila Soni, assistant professor, NCERT, Delhi; Ratna Viswa-
nathan, CEO, Reach to Teach; Dr. Swati Popat Vats, president Early Childhood Association of India with EducationWorld’s Summiya Yasmeen
(moderator) and Dilip Thakore. Topic: ‘Effective implementation of the National Curriculum Framework for Foundational Stage 2022’
One-on-One interview with Dr. Monima- Akshada Kamat, Head of School, Vedanya
lika Day, director of the Centre for Early International, Gurguram, discusses One-on-One with Adilakshmi Chintala-
Childhood Education and Development, ‘Ways & means to create a cadre of pati, IB consultant and workshop leader,
Dr. BR. Ambedkar University, Delhi on trained ECCE educators’ on ‘How practical is it to implement NCF
‘Designing stress-free assessments in 2022’s teach only in mother
foundational stage’ tongue directive?’
EducationWorld in as-
sociation with the Early
Childhood Association of
India (ECA) conducted an
unprecedented Profes-
sional Training Workshop
on ‘Understanding and
Implementing the NCF 2022
for Foundational Stage’ on
K.R. Malaathi, founder & CEO Auuro December 21 at The LaLiT,
Educational Services, speaks on ‘The New Delhi. Workshop direc-
critical role of parents in foundational tors: ECA’s Dr. Swati Popat
stage education’ Vats & Dr. Reeta Sonawat