Page 14 - Lt Gen Arjun Ray
P. 14
What was the prime factor behind the promotion of the Indus International School, Bangalore in
Combating incipient insurgency in Ladakh, while commanding the 14th Army Corps, was a life-chang-
ing experience for me. I became aware that life must have a higher purpose, beyond the army. At the
time, the Fourth Industrial Revolution had begun and the world began to experience extreme VUCA
— volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. At the dawn of the new millennium it struck me
that future conflict will not be between political ideologies and economic systems but between com-
peting education systems. India needed to remodel its K-12 education to develop the entrepreneurial,
innovation and continuous learning capabilities of its children.
IIS-Bangalore was ideated on the banks of the River Indus that flowed past my house in Leh, Ladakh. As
an antidote to the mainstream K-12 education system steeped in rote learning, IIS-Bangalore signed
up with the globally-respected International Baccalaureate, whose pedagogies promote development
of critical thinking, reflection and problem-solving skills of school children.
What are the distinguishing features of Indus International education?
Innovation, innovation, innovation! Education of the heart and mind; application-based learning, and
holistic development of every child.
The stress on leadership education is unique to IIS schools...
Yes. Nurturance and development of purposive and determined leaders who can lead change in In-
dian and the global society is the prime objective of IIS. Our motto in omnia paratus which translates
as ‘prepared for all challenges’, underlines the school’s philosophy. And our eagle insignia symbolises
audacious leadership. We have not only promoted an exclusive leadership school for this purpose,
leadership is integrated into the formal curriculum of all grades.
Your leadership style?
I believe in providing strategic direction and empowering faculty to think two-up and act one-up while
infusing a culture of continuous innovation in teachers and students.
Your favourite books on education.
The Most Important Year by Suzanne Bouffard (2017), Reader, Come Home by Maryanne Wolf (2018),
and We Want to Do More than Survive by Bettina L. Love (2019)
What are your future plans for the Indus Trust?
Our focus will remain on innovation and gradual introduction of artificial intelligences-driven peda-
gogies, stimulation of collaborative learning among students and teachers, and preparing children for
the unpredictable future.
118 | 21 Great Leaders Transforming Indian Education