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              REVIVING THE LOST ART                                                          EDUCATION NEWS
                OF PHILANTHROPY &                                                             Delhi: NCFSS 2022:
                      FUNDRAISING                                                               Promising debut

                Against the backdrop of                                                           West Bengal:
              growing wealth inequality                                                      Unwashable scandal
              and hunger, a rising wave
                of philanthropy funding                                                        Karnataka: Deep-
               is gathering momentum                                                                 rooted rot
                  around the world and
                  in India. According to
                the Global Philanthropy
              Report 2021, the education
                    sector is specially
              favoured by philanthropic
                  foundations and high
                  networth individuals

                                              64      EW GRAND JURY INDIA SCHOOL
                                                      RANKINGS 2022-23

                                                      EducationWorld Grand Jury India School
                                                      Rankings acknowledge and felicitate
                                                      schools that excel under parameters other
                                                      than the 14 under which schools are rated
                                                      and ranked in the annual EducationWorld
             92                                                       EW@23: A SUCCESSUL FAILURE
                                                      India School Rankings

             EW INDIA SCHOOL RANKINGS                                    Although disappointment with
             2022-23 AWARDS                                       achievements of this publication, which   84
                                                                   has been ploughing a lonely furrow for
             e enthusiastic response of school                   over two decades, exceeds contentment,
             promoters, trustees, principals                          there is cause for some satisfaction
             and teachers to the 12th EWISRA
             conclave is proof that the educators’
             community has accepted that              58                      IN THIS ISSUE
             progressive schools accord attention
             to several parameters of institutional
             excellence, not mere academic          PEOPLE     Editorial           12  People             58
                                                               Mailbox             14  EW Grand Jury Rankings 64

             ANNIVERSARY ESSAYS                                Education  News     16  International News   76
             Hindi language zealots should calm down —   36    Education  Notes   24   Special Report     84
             Sanjaya Baru
                                                               Education Briefs    26
              Successul foundational learning model —    56                            Pictorial Essay    92
              Dr. Sunita Gandhi                                Institution Profile   28
                                                                                       Teacher-to-teacher   108
                                                               Young Achievers     34
              Are China's universities really better? —   62
              Makarand Paranjape                               Expert Comment      36  Books             110
              BJP leadership's anti-cosmopolitanism —    82    Cover Story         38  Postscript        114
              Rajiv Desai

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