Page 16 - EducationWorld December 2022
P. 16


                                              such excellent outcomes. I agree   Moreover according to you, BC
                                              with her that it is possible for the   is “largely unsung”. Again on the
                                              Centre’s Nipun Bharat programme   contrary, BC is perhaps the most
                                              to universalise foundational literacy   celebrated Indian NGO on the global
                                              and numeracy within months, rather   stage and grabbed media attention
                                              than years.                      from get-go 50 years ago. From
                                                            Sandhya Merwade    the Dalai Lama to Prince Charles,
                                                                     NAGPUR    Barefoot College has hosted them
                                                                               all. Even Robert McNamara, World
                                                                               Bank chief paid a surprise visit to
                                              Disappointing omission           Tilonia in the 1980s. Which other
                                              I FIND it ironic that your magazine   Indian social entrepreneur has been
                                              included a mere 17 schools in the   named in TIME magazine’s 100
                                              league table of philanthropy schools   Most Influential People of the Year
                                              in the EW India School Rankings   or The Guardian’s Green Heroes
                                              2022-23 (EW October).            list? Similarly, Bunker Roy was given
                     NOVEMBER 2022              I work for an NGO and was hop-  high respect by prime ministers
                                              ing to find more schools in your   Indira and Rajiv Gandhi. The latter
                                              philanthropy list, but was thoroughly   inducted him into the Planning
                                              disappointed. I know of several   Commission where he worked
             Timely cover story               schools managed by trusts, religious   closely with Sam Pitroda.
             I HAVE been a reader of          mutts and Christian missionaries   I refrain from commenting
             EducationWorld for over a decade   that charge Re.1 tuition fee to the   on your comments relating to
             now. Congratulations on your 23rd   poor, which have been conveniently   “institutional schism” as the matter
             anniversary issue (EW November).   overlooked. Time to boost the morale   is sub judice. But rest assured that
             I particularly like the insightful   of philanthropy schools!     Bunker Roy will win this round after
             cover story ‘Reviving the lost art of      Anjali Thomas  on EMAIL  having scored half a century batting
             philanthropy and fundraising’.                                    for India’s forsaken villages.
                The number of HNI (high       Our sample respondents were                Ann Remedios on EMAIL
             networth individuals) and unicorn   unaware of them. Schools rated by
             companies in India are multiplying   less than 25 respondents are not   My lament is that Barefoot College’s
             rapidly as reported by several global   ranked — Editor           proven rural development model
             wealth surveys, and the middle class                              hasn’t been embraced by the
             having expanded to 350 million.                                   establishment and middle class
             Therefore this is an ideal time for   Barefoot misconceptions     India — Editor
             all of us to practice philanthropy,   I READ with interest your
             however small, to upgrade India’s   freewheeling cover feature on
             education institutions into globally   Barefoot College (EW August) as   Excellent platform
             respected institutions of learning.   I had spent six months on the BC   IT WAS an absolute joy when we
                          Narasimhan Iyengar  campus as a volunteer in 2021.   were informed that we have won the
                                    MYSURU    While your coverage of Barefoot’s   award for #1 Philanthropic School
                                              achievements in rural empowerment,   of West Bengal, and ranked among
                                              water, solar power, education,   the Top 10 in India. We travelled to
             Resonant chord                   environment, closely reflects intense   Gurugram for the EW India School
             YOUR ANNIVERSARY issue was       media scrutiny of over five decades, I   Rankings Awards conclave and came
             information packed and insightful,   observed two inaccuracies.   away enriched by meeting the best
             especially the four special essays   According to your lead feature,   school educators countrywide.
             written by eminent educationists. In   the “sombre golden jubilee of BC   Congratulations to the EW team
             particular, Dr. Sunita Gandhi’s ‘Suc-  passed almost unnoticed”. On the   for awarding respect and recogni-
             cessful foundational learning model’   contrary, Barefoot’s golden jubilee   tion to all schools, poor and rich,
             struck a resonant chord.         was celebrated in style in Tilonia,   and providing them a platform and
                I have a really good feeling about   Jaipur and Delhi, and transmitted   interaction opportunity.
             Dr. Gandhi’s high-potential ALfA   live with thousands of ‘Barefoot-                   Sujata Sen
             (accelerated learning for all) model   ers’, as we call ourselves, around the   CEO, Future Hope Foundation
             whose pilot programme has shown   world joining virtually.                              KOLKATA

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