Page 30 - EducationWorld December 2022
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Education Briefs

             St. Gobain-IIM-A concordat       leges in 23 states have signed up for   RCCGETD-UC for the past two years
                                              AAKRUTI 2022. Through this com-  and have trained over 1,500 teachers
             AhmedAbAd,   november  16. Saint-  petition, contestants will become ac-  including several CBSE school prin-
             Gobain  India —  a subsidiary  of the   quainted with the latest technologies   cipals. We firmly believe that it can
             Paris-based St. Gobain — has signed   offered by Dassault Systemes includ-  provide a solution to India’s teacher
             an MoU with IIM-Ahmedabad (IIM-  ing 3DEXPERIENCE Works, SOLID-   development needs, and ensure the
             A) to conduct  a study titled ‘Cre-  WORKS and 3DEXPERIENCE.      successful achievement of the goals
             ating Biodiversity Habitat at the   “The 3DEXPERIENCE platform    enumerated in NEP 2020,” said Dr.
             IIM-A campus’. The MoU has been   helps students to enhance their learn-  Prodipta Hore, director, ABEA.
             facilitated with the support of the   ing and problem-solving capabilities.
             IIM-A Endowment Fund, a dedicated   AAKRUTI 2022 is part of our com-  Mindler Internship 3.0
             philanthropic and fund raising unit of   mitment to help students explore new
             IIM-A. The study will identify phased   technologies through hands-on expe-  new  delhi,  november  2. Mindler
             interventions required to improve the   rience,” said Deepak N.G, managing   Education Pvt. Ltd — a Delhi-based
             density of avian biodiversity and tree   director (India), Dassault Systemes,   comprehensive career guidance and
             cover through the use of indigenous   speaking on the occasion.   mentorship company — launched its
             species, reinforcement of indigenous                              Mindler Internship Season 3 pro-
             floral structure, enhancement of wa-  ABEA-RCCGETD-UC project     gramme in collaboration with AF-
             ter retention capacity through passive                            AIRS, Asia’s premier education en-
             measures, increase in soil permeabil-  mumbAi, november 11. The Aditya Birla   abler for student-university outreach
             ity and improvement in air quality on   Education Academy (ABEA), a teach-  and EducationWorld. The initiative
             the IIM-A campus.                er training institute promoted by the   enables class XII students to acquire
                “Saint-Gobain has always been   Aditya Birla Education Trust (ABET)   their first experience of the corporate
             ahead of its times in terms of envi-  and The Renzulli Center for Creativity,   world. The four-weeks internship pro-
             ronmental protection by establishing   Gifted Education, & Talent Develop-  gramme is designed to equip students
             urban forests in some of its large   ment, University of Connecticut (RC-  with practical skills.
             manufacturing entities. We hope this   CGETD-UC) announced a collabora-  According to a Mindler state-
             MoU will go a long way in meeting   tion to offer a schoolwide enrichment   ment, this free-of-charge internship
             the proposed outcomes of the study   programme (SEP) to Indian teachers.   programme has been meticulously
             while achieving our purpose of mak-  The eight-week, after-hours pro-  designed  by  experts  from  industry,
             ing the world a better place,” said P.   gramme which will be delivered on-  academia and career counselling as an
             Padmakumar, executive direc-     line, commenced on December 2. It is   extensive but light-on-schedule pro-
             tor of Saint Gobain India Pvt. Ltd,   designed to train educators/teachers   gramme for class XII students “which
             speaking on the occasion.        to develop the talents of all students,   can be entirely online, requiring noth-
                                              providing a range of advanced-level   ing more than a device and an internet
             Dassault design contest          enrichment experiences, and follow-  connection”. Students will also have
                                                                               a chance to test their creativity with
                                              up opportunities for students based
             delhi,   november  17. The Paris   on their aptitudes and interests. All   assignments  and  quizzes,  and  win
             (France)-based Dassault Systemes   primary and secondary school teach-  rewards valued at Rs.10 lakh includ-
             launched a nationwide product de-  ers, special educators and counsellors   ing Apple iPads, Kindle ear pods and
             sign contest for engineering, design   are eligible to sign up for SEP.  Amazon vouchers.
             and technology students in India.   The faculty includes leading edu-  “The Mindler Internship Program
             The objective of AAKRUTI 2022 is to   cation experts including Dr. Joseph   is the perfect platform for class XII
             provide students countrywide an op-  Renzulli, founder, Renzulli Learning   students to equip themselves with
             portunity to devise innovative solu-  Systems & professor, University of   skills necessary to make the transition
             tions for long-standing technological   Connecticut; Dr. Sally Reis, professor,   from school to college. In this work-
             and social problems. The challenge in-  University of Connecticut; and Nicole   from-home programme for class XII
             volves three stages — product design,   Waicunas, SEM Outreach Coordina-  students will virtually rub shoulders
             design concept submission, and final   tor at RCCGETD-UC. The eight-weeks   with some of India’s foremost educa-
             product submission. Participants can   after-hours programme is priced at   tors, entrepreneurs, artists, motiva-
             submit their projects virtually through   Rs.5,900 per teacher. After successful   tors and distinguished career coaches.
             online collaboration enabled by Das-  completion, participating teachers will   We have created an effective roadmap
             sault’s cloud-based 3DEXPERIENCE   be awarded certificates by RCCGETD-  for them to realise their career aspira-
             platform.                        UC.                              tions,” said Prateek Bhargava, CEO
                A total of 1,384 teams from 302 col-  “We have been running SEP with   of Mindler, speaking on the occasion.

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