Page 6 - EducationWorld Oct. 2022
P. 6

                                          Journeys from the sidelines

                                          into the spotlight

               Centre for Learning Difficulties
               t isn’t easy for parents to watch their children struggle with
               things that most children learn instinctively. It is harder still
             Ibeing the child who watches everyone around him do things
             with ease, tasks they themselves take twice as much time to
             figure out while wondering why they aren’t able to do the same.
             Every day becomes a fight to keep up and succeed, chasing out-
             of-reach or near-impossible expectations without help.
                Arjun (name changed), joined Vidyaniketan Academy
             (VNA) at the age of 14 with a fierce will to prove to his parents
             that he could study and would do well, despite failing Science
             and Math lessons at his previous school. It was evident to his
             teachers from day one that Arjun was exceptionally talented.
             He was skilled in every activity, particularly sports, and had an
             unparalleled drive. But he needed much help with spelling, found   the NIOS board -- a feat even his family doubted he would ever
             it difficult to follow structure, could be extremely impulsive and   reach.
             often talked endlessly out of his joy for life.
                                                                 Karun and Arjun had different experiences and yet their
                Such children can be a challenge for teachers with many   stories are intertwined at VNA. They are a glimpse into the
             students to manage. In VNA, the teachers helped Arjun make   diverse needs that students have and how the right environment
             space for himself in just a couple of months. He has now learnt   can help them flourish.
             to take responsibility for his actions, assumes leadership at   Children with Specific Learning Difficulties (SLD) and
             each opportunity, supports his peers, and thrives in everything   Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) grapple with
             he does. Academically, he has pushed himself to reach new   issues that range from academic to motor skills to socio-
             heights and enjoys a sense of pride at how well he is doing. For   emotional development. Often, their struggles are silently borne
             Arjun, this change was not easy but he overcame his challenges   in a world incapable of comprehending the true nature of their
                Karun’s (name changed) journey was different. He enrolled   At VNA, special educators work intensively with no more
             at VNA at age 10. He had been bullied for his stammer and   than ten students in a class, providing individual attention and
             lack of coordination. He was taunted for being unable to do well   academic remediation, alongside socio-emotional support,
             academically. Unlike Arjun, Karun took time to adapt to VNA. He   tailored to the needs of each one. Students are encouraged to
             started every class with the statement, “I don’t know how to do   explore their potential and celebrated for every accomplishment
             it. It’s too hard.” It was not uncommon to find him hiding under   however trivial it may seem to the world outside. For those
             his desk before the next teacher walked in. The teachers worked   whose skills lie outside the academic scope, VNA provides a pre-
             with him individually, coaxing him to try even if it meant making a   vocational programme to build digital, numerical and functional
             mistake and ensuring support if things went wrong. His lessons   literacy through art and activity-based learning.
             were simplified and activities scaffolded to give him time to learn
             at his own pace. Slowly but surely, Karun has grown to excel. He   The team at VNA works in collaboration with parents and
             is now working towards his Senior Secondary certificate through   para-professionals, to focus on the overall development of each
                                                                             child. It is always a matter of awe and
                                                                             wonder to watch children grow intellectually,
                                                                             socially and emotionally, and VNA strives to
                                                                             build a safe, loving environment to nurture
                                                                             such growth. No matter the differences
                                                                             in the abilities of children, each one is
                                                                             precious and capable in his or her own way.
                                                                             VNA hopes to exemplify the change and
                                                                             acceptance needed to help children with
                                                                             differing abilities.

                                                EDUCATIONWORLD  OCTOBER  2022
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