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Similarly, the time, money, research and resources invested in putting together this lavishly illustrated compendium
is unprecedented in the history of Indian education. One year in the making, production of 21 leaders Transforming
Indian Education necessitated Mumbai-based celebrity photographer Manish Mansinh to log over 40,000 air miles
to conduct portrait and other photo-shoots in schools and other institutions promoted by the transformative leaders
featured in this commemorative volume.
Conterminously, our Bangalore-based editorial team dug out deeply buried data of our subjects including archived
photographs, and produced over a dozen drafts of each profile. Moreover design editor Bela Rajagopalan, an NID
alumna with over three decades experience in graphic design, uncomplainingly changed typefaces, layouts and
colour codes to complete the prototype for the superb 21st century machines of Rajhans Enterprises, Bangalore.
The outcome of this year-long coordinated effort is 21 Leaders Transforming Indian Education, which not only
presents biographies of the selected extraordinary edupreneurs, but also spotlights the excellent education
institutions they have established. Our hope is that the mountain of labour and resources invested by us in this sui
generis volume will inspire other industry, business and society leaders to step forward and build great education
institutions that are urgently required to nurture and develop the neglected potential of the world's largest child
and youth population.
P.S. As we go to the press we have received tragic news that Dr. P.C. Thomas, founder-principal of the Good Shepherd
International School, Ooty (GSIS, estb. 1977) whose profile is included in this compendium, passed away on June 16.
Our deepest condolences to Dr. Thomas' family and GSIS fraternity. A great loss to India's top-ranked international
residential school, and indeed to, Indian education.