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Page 14      The Antique Shoppe  March, 2020
        Heritage Auctions’ January             Additional                                               Top      lot   Face  Nelson,  recently  discovered  in
         Numismatic Sales Exceed             U.S.      Coin                                          cu rr en cy       Texas, sold for a combined $19,200.
                                                                                                                       The  collection  was  offered  along
                                                                                                     honors  during
                                             hig hlig h ts
                 $68.8 Million               o f f er ed                                             the       FUN     with  a  cash  hoard  tied  to  Hyman
                                             during     the                                          auction   were    S.  Lebman,  a  gunsmith  from  San
           Dallas,  TX—  Heritage  Auction’s   Florida  United                                       claimed     by    Antonio known to launder money for
        numismatic sales through the month   Nu mi sma ti c                                          a     $228,000    Nelson. The most expensive lot in the
        of  January  totaled  a  combined    Con v e n tion                                          winning    bid    Lebman  collection  was  a  1928  $50
        $68.8M  from  its  signature  auctions   (FUN) include:                   for  the  finer  of  two  known  1863   Dallas  Federal  Reserve  Replacement
        held  during  the  Florida  United     A  1927-S  Saint-Gaudens  $20      $100  Compound  Interest  Treasury   Note, which sold for $10,200.
        Numismatic  Convention  and  the     MS66+ PCGS. CAC, an elusive branch   Note,  PMG,  Very  Fine,  30  EPQ.  The   Heritage  Auctions’  next  major
        New  York  International  Numismatic   mint  issue  and  the  second-finest   note’s  colorful  bronze  overprint  is   numismatic  event  takes  place  Feb.
        Convention conventions.              certified at PCGS ended at $312,000.   bright and completely intact, the red   20-23  during  the  Long  Beach  Expo.
           Sales  spanned  U.S.  Coins,  U.S.   The  coin’s  rarity  only  enhanced  its   overprint vivid and the note displays   U.S. coins on offer include a 1875 $10
        Currency,  World  Paper  Money  and   sale  price:  The  large  mintage  of  3.1   an  eye  appeal  that  is  absolutely   AU50  PCGS  (the  lowest  mintage  for
        World  &  Ancient  Coins  only  offered   million  pieces  was  almost  totally   mesmerizing.                 a circulating U.S. gold coin), a 1857-
        during the conventions. The sale total   destroyed   after   the                       Additional  highlights   S  $20  Spiked  Shield,  Variety  20A,
        does  not  include  January’s  weekly,   Gold Recall of 1933, and                    among  the  sale  of  U.S.   MS67 PCGS. CAC, salvaged from the
        monthly or private numismatic sales.    only  a  small  number  of                   Currency include:         wreckage of The S.S. Central America,
           “We  were  especially  pleased    examples  surfaced  in                            A dazzling, 1880 $100   and a 1908 $20 Motto PR66+ PCGS.
        about  the  house  and  world  records   European holdings in the                    Silver  Certificate,  PMG   CAC,  the  first  matte  proof  issue  of
        achieved  across  U.S.  and  World   1950s.                                          Very  Fine  30,  ended    this classic 20th century rarity. More
        coins,”  said  Greg  Rohan,  President   A   1794   Flowing                          at  $60,000.  One  of     information  may  be  found  on  the
        of  Heritage  Auctions.  “These  two   Hair  Dollar,  VF35  PCGS,                    just  two  dozen  known   auction’s homepage.
        events are among the largest of the   garnered  45  bids  before                     to  exist,  the  auction    The  Internet’s  most  popular
        year  and  we’re  delighted  to  deliver   it  sold  for  $288,000.                  offered  collectors  a  rare   auction-house   website,,
        powerhouse results to our clients.”  The key piece offered as part of The   opportunity  to  own  a  bank  note   has   over   1,250,000   registered
           Heritage garnered $41,777,374 in   Watermark Collection.               of  which  one  quarter  of  the  known   bidder-members   and   searchable
        U.S. coins sales, which were led by a   Several  special  collections  and  a   examples currently reside in museum   free  archives  of  five  million  past
        $2,160,000 bid for a 1927-D Double   hoard  of  notes  from  the  notorious   or other institutional holdings.  auction records with prices realized,
        Eagle,  the  rarest  regular-issue  of  a   gangster  Baby  Face  Nelson  lead   A newly discovered collection tied   descriptions and enlargeable photos.
        20th century American coin.          $9,992,733  in  total  sales  of  U.S.   to  a  1930s  crime  spree  and  money   For  breaking  stories,  follow  them
                                             Currency.                            laundering  effort  by  gangster  Baby   on Facebook and Twitter.

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                                    1                               441                                                19
         WILDWOOD                                                                                            Eustis          5               44
                                                  44                                                                     B   S
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                                               48                                                                                    6   441
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                75                                                                                 IN THE HILLS
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