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12 - Antique Shoppe -
                                                                                  highest value I found was a newer Walking Dead dual player game
            KAYE’S COLLECTOR CORNER                                               which sold for $13,000+, a 80s shooting game called Operation Wolf
                                                                                  by Taito sold for close to $3,800, 1980 Tempest by Atari is worth
            By Mike Kaye                                                          $3,000 but I kept wondering about the machines I remember? That’s
                                                                                  when I came across Galaga® for $2,900, Q-Bert for $2,400, Mario
                                                                                  Bros® and Pacman® each selling for just under $2,000, Burger Time®
             ARCADE FUN FOR ALL THE                                               for $1,400, Donkey Kong®, Joust® and Defender® each $1,500,
                                                                                  Outrun® and Millipede® worth $750 each and then some multi game
                      PINBALL WIZARDS                                             machines.
                                                                                    Standing in front of a pinball machine as a kid was like holding onto
                                                                                  a machine from the future. I gladly sank my quarters into a vast variety
           In the mid-1980s my oldest                                             of pinball machines over the years. The excitement of inserting the
        brother would take me to a place                                          coin, then waiting for the metal balls to pop out onto a track, where
        called “Big Foots” which was a                                            a pull knob with spring awaits. Blinking lights, ramps, colorful art,
        local video game arcade. He’d take                                        and drop down targets, come into play as you desperately activate the
        out $5.00 and that would get us 20                                        flippers to keep the balls in play to score the highest amount of points.
        tokens; good for 20 games. Sunday                                         Score high enough and you might win a free game.
        was double token day and $5.00                                              In the past, pinball machines were illegal because they were a form
        would get us 40 tokens. Games                                             of gambling. Players could cash out these “free games” for money. As
        would last several minutes each                                           a result, Pinball was banned from the 1940s until 1976 when a court
        and, if you were good, you could                                          decided it was a game of skill, not chance.
        potentially play 10-15 minutes                                              The big manufacturers of pinball machines were Williams, Gottlieb
        on one token. Nowadays games                                              and Bally. The newest manufacturer is Stern.
        are $1.00 or more each and last                                             Some recent sales for vintage Williams machines include: Gorgar
        sometimes seconds. Where did the                                          $723, ’63 Sweethearts $556, ’79 Flash $1,400, Pinbot $3,800, ’87
        day of the arcade go?                                                     Space Station $4,000, Funhouse and Taxi selling for $5,500+ and Star
           Anyone who grew up pre-90s can                                                            Trek® at $6,300. Gottlieb pinball machine sales
        relate to the idea of an “arcade”.                                                           include: ’75 Pin Up $290, ’72 Pop A Card $450,
        The place to hang out and get your                                                           Sweethearts and Hollywood Heat Premier $550-
        game on. A dark room with neon                                                               $565 and my personal favorite the Haunted House
        lights and plenty of bleeps and                                                              for $2,000. Bally created the popular Twilight
        video noise. Then the change machine, spilling out                                           Zone® game with asking prices just under $10,000
        tokens like a slot machine, as kids would scoop up                                           and Creature from the Black Lagoon $7,450.
        the coins and run to their favorite game.                                                      Another company, Data East was responsible for
           I was a big fan of just about anything with a                                             creating the Rocky & Bullwinkle® machine $6,000,
        joystick, trackball or steering wheel. One of my                                             Back to the Future® $7,000 and Star Wars® $8,000.
        favorites was Spy Hunter®, a game that required                                              One machine I remember seeing in the arcades was
        the player to grab a steering wheel with buttons                                             a combination game called Baby Pacman Pinball
        to control a smoke screen and oil slick, and a gas                                           which played the traditional Pacman on the top with
        pedal to step on while standing. Another unique                                              a half-sized pinball machine attached. Very neat
        game was called Paperboy® where the player                                                   machine you don’t see very often.
        would hold bicycle handlebars on the machine and                                               A rare type of pinball machine is the cocktail
        deliver papers on a video monitor simulating a                                               pinball which is an actual sit-down pinball machine.
        person riding a bicycle. Other memorable games are                                           I almost bought one on several different occasions,
        Excite Bike®, Joust®, Pacman®, Burger Time®,                                                 but it never panned out.
        Dig Dug®, Sprint®, Centipede®, Galaga®, Food                                                   The consistently highest selling machines are the
        Fight® and countless others. Other non-video game                                            newer Stern machines which offer sharp graphics,
        favorites were Claw machines where you could try                                             crisp digital displays and popular titles like KISS®
        to grab a prize with the “claw” or other games of                                                                  $10,000, Playboy® $5,500,
        skill like skeeball, where you would win tickets to                                                                Deadpool and Batman at
        redeem prizes. Prizes were usually flimsy plastic                                                                  $8,000 ea.
        items that could be found in a gumball machine, but                                                                   If you’re thinking of
        might cost you $20 in tokens to win.                                                                               collecting any type of arcade
           At some point in the 90s these video games began                                                                machine, the memories
        to fade out with the onset of home video game          TOP: Moon Patrol-The                                        might be outweighed by the
        consoles like Sega Genesis® and Sony Playstation®.     standup, full size arcade game                              facts. These machines are
        Also, the fact that adults mastered a lot of the arcade   in mint condition is worth                               bulky, require a lot of space,
        games meaning less quarters going into the machines.   approximately $750-$1,000.                                  are heavy to lug around
        As arcades become a thing of the past you can’t help   CENTER: - The 80s classic                                   and are difficult to repair as
        but wonder where all those bulky machines went and     Donkey Kong- A working                                      professional repairmen are
        whether they are worth anything.                       standup arcade in mint                                      short-handed and difficult to
                                                               condition can fetch $2,300
           I began my research on arcade machines and          according to a recent eBay sale.                            find.
        realized that value is based mostly on the game        BOTTOM: The arcade game
        popularity and not the age of the machine. Then        Kick Man was created by                                     If you have stuff to sell, I’m all ears! Contact
        the rarity and condition are taken into account. The   Midway. In working condition                                CollectorK Today! Text 561-628-4369 or
                                                               can sell for $500-$1,000.
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