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28 - Antique Shoppe -
Arkansas Assembled
By Larry LeMasters
LeMasters’ Antique News Service
Holly Hope, of Little Rock, AR, There are a variety of
collected miniature figurines as reasons that women collect salt
a child, and began collecting and pepper shakers. Regardless
salt and pepper shakers (S&P of why a collection began, there
shakers) in her late 20s, are numerous good reasons to keep
about 30 years ago. “I guess on collecting: 1) as collectibles go, salt
I’m attracted to the delicacy and pepper shakers are relatively souvenir set at one time. “ Anybody that gifts me
and whimsy of the older S&P inexpensive 2) many a salt and pepper shaker set truly knows
shakers, just as I was with the salt and pepper me,” Hope added, “and I consider them to
figurines. S&P shakers appeal to shakers are cross be thoughtful and considerate gifts.”
my weird sense of humor, and collectible, When antique hunting, Hope is attracted
the earlier ones display a adding to to S&P sets for their quirkiness. “I once read
lot of detail, especially in their value that a collector should collect only what they
the eyes and mouths,” Hope 3) salt and pepper truly like since they may not be able to sell
said. shakers are nostalgic, their collection, so I only buy S&P sets that I
Like many Baby Boomer reminding collectors can’t live without. Flea markets provide tons
collectors, Hope’s first S&P of past dinners with of fun when I happen across a shaker that
shaker was stolen from her families and friends; makes me smile. I usually just peruse the
mother’s kitchen. “Mom had it and 4) salt and pepper stalls with no particular set in mind. But
on her stove for as long as I can shakers are even when smiling, I haggle over prices.
remember, so when I first decided to collect small, I never spend over $10 for a S&P shaker
S&P shakers, Mom’s pig became the first in display set, which keeps them in the affordable
my collection. Mom didn’t really care since the easily, and range.” Still, some of Hope’s sets are valued
partner shaker was gone. The pig had a happy require little much higher than $10. “I have four sets of
little face and cute eyebrows. I always liked the space. Shawnee Pottery S&P sets. The Shawnee Company
pig’s little overalls when I was a child.” Hope displays her S&P was originally based in Zanesville, Ohio, and was
It wasn’t until years later that Hope sets in a glass case in her dining active from 1937 to 1961. I have others that look
learned her mother’s pig might never have room. “I made an attempt at one like Shawnee, but I read that the size of the cork in
had a mate. Salt and pepper shakers have point to categorize them by the bottom is what identifies it as a true Shawnee, so
a long and spicy history. The earliest salt cats, dogs, pigs, birds, and I’ve become ‘cork conscious.’”
holders were Victorian cellars or small, open Shawnee, but at this point, Although Hope claims she never gives advice
bowls where people placed chipped rock salt. there is no rhyme or reason to other collectors, she did offer this for novice
To accompany cellars, pepper shakers were for where I place them.” As collectors, “The National Novelty Salt and Pepper
invented. The earliest American homes had long as she and guests can see Shakers Collectors Club is an excellent way for
only one shaker, and it was for pepper. all of the details on each set, novice collectors to discover how rich the world of
Actual saltshakers emerged as ceramic Hope is happy. salt and peppershakers actually is. Its website is
ware came into its own, and decorative salt While salt and pepper”
and pepper shakers emerged in the late 1940s, shakers can be made of glass, For Holly Hope, collecting S&P shakers has
following WWII, as advances plastics, metal, or wood, most truly added spice into her life!
in ceramics allowed collectible salt and pepper shakers are
salt and pepper ceramic; however, Hope’s favorite S&P set
shakers to take on is made of chalk. “It is a chalk set depicting
a variety of shapes, a blonde woman playing an organ. What in
designs, and character the world made the designer think of this? The
images. Mass production organist is wearing a long blue dress with gold
of these ceramic salt and detail, and she nestles into the organ with her
pepper shakers made arms extended to the keyboard. Her lips are
them affordable, and painted with red lipstick. The detail on the
women, desiring new organ includes individual pipes, keys and
salt and pepper shakers, sheet music. This is my only chalk set since they
made them collectible. tend to easily suffer from damage. Shown Left Side Top-Bottom: Fork and spoon running away
Holly Hope is such a woman. This set is in good together. There are no identifying marks on this pair, but they
The majority of Hope’s condition, except retain their original corks. - A highly sculpted “Made in Japan”
collection is mass-produced, Made in Japan, for the tip of the organ grinder with small monkey. - An anthropomorphic
ceramic ware from the 1950s – early 1960s. organist’s nose.” pineapple and turnip S&P set. Both are in good shape and
display stickers on the back reading UCACGO, United China and
“I’m not sure of the age of a particular set,” Hope has many Glassware Company. - These “Made in Japan” wrestlers have
Hope said. “But the majority of them were S&P sets that were gifts. original corks in their behinds.
made in Japan, and some, I believe, date to the One is a set of alligator Shown Right Side Top-Bottom: Monkey saltshaker sits atop a
1920s to ‘40s. I only have a couple of sets that shoes with the face of an banana pepper shaker. Both have original corks and “Made
in Japan” stickers. - Pig shaker that started Hope’s collection.
were made in ‘Occupied Japan,’ which greatly alligator. This set looks It was stolen from her mother’s kitchen. - A “Made in Japan”
increases their value.” as if it was a New Orleans lobster couple, with original corks, dressed in formal wear.