Page 154 - Orange Butterfly (2)
P. 154

  Vocabulary. Read each sentence carefully. Write on the line the vocabulary word that could replace the word/words in boldface.
1. But no! This man wanted more.
2. Come here," said they, "and we'll show you the beast!"
3. She soon was caught and firmly tied.
4. “he comes with a policeman close in the rear!"
5. he planned to make known what kind of assistance he needed.
6. Two friends once were walking in friendly conversation.
7. You demanded the only right to the prize! ,
8. But if you can pull it by means of your bill, the work I'll amply repay."
9. Which had produced each day an egg of gold.
10. But I've thought of a plan that will trouble you now."
Oral Activity. INVENT A FABLE
Form teams.
each team will choose 5 words from the list below.
each team will create a short fable using the words chosen.
Make sure to have a narrator and to include the moral of your fable.
                       death • debt • detect • dishonesty • expect • forgetting • ground • jaws neighbor • owner • share • treasure

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