Page 151 - Orange Butterfly Book 1
P. 151

Begin by writing an outline.
it is important to use different sources, books, professional journals, encyclopedias, and even interviews.
make sure the internet sources you use are reliable.
make as many questions as you can about the topic you chose, use these words to formulate questions: who, where, why, when, where, and how.
after you have researched the topic answer the questions.
Use index cards to organize your research. on the back of the card cite the source.
You should begin your outline by writing the roman numeral I and the word “introduction”.
add the details that will support the main idea.
as you saw in 4th grade the outline is only to help you write your final essay, you do not have to write every paragraph in detail, just the main idea. You can add to it later on.
Example of an Outline
i. introduction
example: It is incredible to think that.......
ii. main idea a) Detail #1 b) Detail #2
c) Detail # 3
iii. main idea #2
You can write as many main ideas and detail paragraphs as you think are needed to support your idea.

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