Page 65 - Orange Butterfly Book 2
P. 65

  Vocabulary. Read the sentences carefully. Replace the boldfaced word (or phrase) with a vocabulary word.
1. I'll tell you what," said the horseman, "we will switch; i will give you my horse, and you shall give me your lump of gold."
2. hans found himself on an open land area which it would be an hour's journey to cross.
3. hans pulled himself together and got upon his feet, feeling very irritated.
4. "Poor work, riding," said he, "especially on an old horse like this.
5. he gave him a chunk of gold as big as his head.
6. “Tripping over no stones, saving one's shoes, and getting on one hardly knows how!"
7. “Because it will be doing you such a favor, I don't mind exchanging my cow for your horse."
8. That was my wage for seven years of work.
9. he is trudging along.
10. he handed over the goose to the traveling salesman and received the grindstone in exchange.

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