Page 35 - Orange Butterfly 1
P. 35

Adjectives are words that describe or modify a noun or pronoun.
• They tell us how something or someone looks, feels, tastes, smells, or sounds.
• Adjectives usually come before the noun they describe.
• There are different types of adjectives: a) adjectives of quantity
b) adjectives that describe what kind c) adjectives that compare
• The articles a, an, and the are adjectives.
          Language. Circle the adjectives you can find in each sentence.
1. his father had trained him to lasso a bronco or a young bull.
2. his head was bald and uncovered.
3. a little further down the street was a barber shop.
4. i’m invisible to the eyes of human beings.
5. Then a spirit of mischief came into the boy’s head.

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