Page 37 - Orange Butterfly 1
P. 37

adverbs are words that describe a verb or an adjective.
adverbs can describe how, when, where, and to what degree an action happens.
    When (adverbs of time)
 now • tomorrow • yesterday • soon • already
  Where (adverbs of place)
  outside • anywhere • inside • in • somewhere • out • everywhere
    How (adverbsofmanner)
carefully • quietly • slowly • well • easily • fast
  To what extent
  extremely • somewhat • much • too
         Language. Read the sentences, then underline the adverb.
1. But one day, the butcher asked Jim to ride one of his horses into the country, to
a pasture that had been engaged, and Jim eagerly consented.
2. he rode through the streets demurely enough.
3. Suddenly, on making a long cast with his lasso, the loop caught upon something and rested about three feet from the ground.
4. While Jim gazed wonderingly upon him, this venerable old man spoke in an angry voice.
 5. “Now, then—get that rope off as fast as you can!

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