Page 19 - Red Feather Book 2
P. 19

7. We made several stops along the way and took   in little motels near the highway.
8. I am making a solemn   to you that I will not let you down.
9. We almost had the answer, we were at the   of finding it but
something eluded us.
10.My grandpa died when he was four   and 9 years old. That’s 89 to you and me!
11. The prisoner in solitary confinement for days. The fire the building. In a matter of minutes everything was
surrounded by flames.
12. Abraham Lincoln gave African Americans from their slave owners.
13.The plants were   because of lack of water.
14.Your health will slowly   if you don’t take care of yourself.
15. The girls were complete   of the new pop star. They went to all of his concerts.
16.Do unto others as you would have them do unto you should be everyone’s .
17. They lived in a dingy apartment in the   south of the city.
18. It was the court’s   that the prisoner be exonerated.
19. He always had firm values and followed them, his was admirable.
16 The Red Feather Literature Second Course

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