Page 20 - Red Feather Book 2
P. 20
Language. Verbs
Simple Tenses
The tense of a verb tells when an action occurred.
The word tense comes from the Latin word, “tempus” which means time.
In English there are three basic tenses: present, past and future.
The present tense expresses the action or states at the time of speaking.
I play you play he/she plays we play you play they play
The past tense expresses an action that has already taken place. You form the past tense of regular verbs by adding –ed.
An irregular verb will not add –ed to form its past tense.
Martin Luther King Jr. was a great man. (Irregular verb) He believed in human rights. (Regular verb)
I played
you played he/she played we played you played they played
I ate
you ate he/she ate we ate you ate they ate
“I Have a Dream” 17 by Martin Luther King, Jr.