Page 80 - Red Feather Book 2
P. 80

3. Who are Ymir and Buri? How did they come to be?
Ymir was a frost giant and Buri was a god. Ymir was created through the layers of ice that formed from the union of fire and ice and Buri was uncovered from the ice by Ymir.
4. Who were Bor and Bestla? Why did they get married?
Bor was Buri’s son and Bestla was a giantess. They thought if they got married the feud between the frost giants and the gods would end.
5. How many offspring did they have? Name them.
They had three sons. Odin, Vili and Ve.
6. What part do they play in the process of creation?
They slay the giant Ymir and from his body, the world is created.
7. What is Yggdrasil? How was it created?
Yggdrasil is the tree of life. It sprang up from Ymir’s body when he was slain.
The Aesir 77 Norse Mithology

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