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TYPES OF LOSS (continued)

               Stillbirth or Unanticipated/Anticipated Infant Death
               Your health care provider should give you a few options of delivery depending on the gestation
               of your baby.  Loss labeled as stillbirth typically takes place around 22 weeks gestation to full
               term.  Below are a few options that you may be offered.

                   o  Natural Delivery  - Allowing the body to naturally go into labor for an unmediated vaginal
                       delivery in the hospital.  Your healthcare provider might set limitations on how long they
                       will allow your body to wait for labor.  If your doctor is worried about infection they may
                       suggest induction.  You may also naturally go into labor and request an epidural.
                   o  Delivery by Induction with Medication – Artificially inducing labor through various
                       methods of medication including cervical ripping agents and Pitocin.
                   o  Birth by Cesarean  - A surgical operation used to deliver a child by cutting through the
                       wall of a mother’s abdomen.  Cesarean is an option for families to consider when baby
                       might not live long, potentially giving baby an easier labor and delivery.  Cesarean is also
                       used when emergency occurs and baby or mother’s life is in jeopardy.  Consider asking
                       about Natural or Gentle Cesarean options as well as immediate skin-to-skin with baby
                       and operating room photography options.

               If you are planning a homebirth, please click here for further resources.

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