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P. 16

Tap Public House
With Love and Middle Fingers How How The The TAP TAP PUBLIC
HOUSE HOUSE Saved Saved My My Life
HOUSE HOUSE Saved Saved My My Life
If I I I had a a a a a nickel for every time I I I heard someone at The TAP in Belmont New Hampshire say “This is is way better than Netflix ” well I’d have a a a a lot of nickels By Amy Al-Katib
There’s a a a a a a a a a a a a a whole list of things that that makes this particular bar special but so far I’ve only heard those words spoken in in fin in reference to one one thing and that’s the banter bat- tles with Michael Campione that that I somehow find myself in in fin in every damn day I I I sit at the the the end of the the the bar he he he he stands behind it it I I I tell stories he he he he he he interrupts me me or or or walks away before I I I I get through the the the be- ginning I I throw throw throw coasters at at at him he he he he throws ice at at at me me me – we both throw throw throw food at at at each each other other We come up with disgust- ingly crass insults for each each other other other on the the the the daily He He calls me me me a a a a a a a a a a a gypsy I I call call him a a a a a a a a a a a dick He He tells lies about me me me to to other other customers I I I smile and go along with it it We We laugh We’re not huggers but if we we we we were we’d hug hug Instead we we we we tell each other other other to f!@* off – you know as a a a a a a a a a term o of endearment The truth is is we love each other other other like brother and and sister and and that’s what what makes it so entertaining to to watch what what earns us us the the the “better than Netflix” rating – because we fight like that that too So now now that that you you know I’m at at at at The Tap every day let me tell you why I I I I moved here from Michigan at the end of April I I I I had had never never been been to New New Hampshire before In fact I I I I I had had never never been been anywhere in in New New England I I I I I knew exactly one per- son in in the entire state and and when I I I I asked her her her if if I I I I could live with her her temporarily to to see if if I I I liked it it enough to to get my own place she said yes 16 / / WINTER 2021 / / SPRING 2022
www tavernplayersmagazine com 

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