Page 17 - Tavern Players
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I I started exploring right away Within my first week here I I had already spent spent a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a day in in in in in Boston and and and and Portland Maine and and and and I I I spent spent a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a night in in in Vermont I I I hiked the the Lockes Hill trail and and and and I I I drove to to to Conway to to to see the the the the sunset at Echo Lake And those are just the the the highlights from the the the first seven days I I went to to to to a a a a a a a a lot of of places and I I I met tons of of people quickly I’ll never forget the the the first time I I I I went to to The The Tap though The The friends I I I met up there knew the the the bartender Corey Mitchell They introduced me me me and we talked for a a a a a a a bit He seemed cool – like your typical bartender I was outside smoking when “Clos- ing ing ing ing Time” by Semisonic started playing One of the guys said “Looks like Corey’s telling us it’s time to to go ” ” I I went inside to to cash out out and and I I made some smartass com- ment about how unoriginal and and and lame he he he was for playing that song song Without hesitation he he he he looked at at at me me me and and said “Well you can f!@* off Amy cause I didn’t play this song song ” as he he he he he motioned his his head toward the the juke box turned around printed my my bill and slapped it on on the the bar in in in in front of o me me I knew that that instant that that this was going going to to be my place – he he he had me me at at at “f!@* off ” I I I I work and go go go to to school remotely so I I I I started going going there there basically every every day day day And the the the the the more more I I I I went there there there the the the the the more more I I I I real- ized a a a a a a a a a a a a lot of people go go there there every every day day day Some go go most days A A few pop in less frequently than that but still on a a a a a a a a a a regular basis Of course there’s always first-timers like me me me me too Believe it or or not I I I somehow found an apartment in in the the the midst of the the housing shortage so so I I I I I I live alone now In October I I I I I I was was deathly ill with COVID-19 While I I I I I I was was sick several peo- ple ple came to to to to my apartment to to to to bring me me me the things I I I I needed to to to to survive Three of those people – – Cassie Nelson Kris Newton and and Steve Marcucio – – – are employees at The The Tap The The other three – – – Kayla Aragona Sarah Labrecque and and someone who who I am assuming doesn’t want to be mentioned – – are friends who who I I met there None of of them them hesitated when I I reached out and asked for help Most of of them them contacted me me in in the the the the first place to see if I I needed anything The night I I I I I was was being discharged from the hospital I I I I I need- ed ed ed ed a a a a a a a a a a a a a a ride home because I I I I arrived in in in an an ambulance I I I I was was bare- ly ly ly alive so so it doesn’t sound like much but making phone calls was extremely challenging especially since my my cell didn’t get service in in in in in the the the the the the building so I had to search for the the the the the the contact in in in in in my my phone phone and then dial the the the the the the the number on on on on the the the the the the the cordless phone phone the the the the the the the nurse left me with After the the the the the first call that that wasn’t answered I I thought for for a a a a a a a a a a a minute to to to make sure that that I I dialed wisely – to to to pick someone who who would would be be likely to to to answer their phone for for a a a a a a a a a a a ran- dom number late at at at night and and and who who I I knew would would come and and and get me me me no no matter So I I called Cassie Mike’s girlfriend and and and and sure enough she she dropped what she she was was doing and and picked me me up I I I I I never never thought thought I I I I I could be as as as as miserable as as as as I I I I I was was for those ten days Beyond that I I I I I I never never thought thought I I I I I I would meet so many amazing people in in in one place But I I I I I did and they kept me me alive when I I I thought I I I was going to die They’re not like like most mom and pop shops where custom- ers ers are are treated like like family family At The The Tap they treat treat you you with love and middle fingers because you are are family family www tavernplayersmagazine com WINTER 2021 / / SPRING 2022
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