Page 38 - Tavern Players
P. 38

38 / / WINTER 2021 / / SPRING 2022
www tavernplayersmagazine com
is is taking taking off off around around the the world
is is taking taking off off around around the the world
as as a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a legitimate legitimate professional professional sport sport as as a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a legitimate legitimate professional professional sport sport If If you’ve you’ve ever ever wondered wondered if if you you you you you you have
If If you’ve you’ve ever ever wondered wondered if if you you you you you you have
what what it it takes takes ask ask yourself yourself one one question:
what what it it takes takes ask ask yourself yourself one one question:
By Gregg Tong Tavern Players arts
D o o o o you remember when the the USA
dominated the the the basketball world? When Larry Bird and the the the elite players of that era were on the the the original Dream Team at at at the the 1992 Olympics victory was was never in in question it was was only a a a a a a a a a matter of of how large of of a a a a a a a a a a point margin would be the final score Today many more countries are con- tenders for hardwood gold and every one of them
are deep with NBA level tal- ent The USA
is not even a a a a a a a lock to make it it out of of the the first round of of any International tournament let alone to to to to make the the final It took 20+ years to to to to happen but it’s now
an an even playing field and the the sport is all the the better for it Something very similar is happening right now
in in in in the the dart world
with US play- ers (and lots of of other countries) starting to to crack the the the the ceiling of of dominance by the the the the top dogs: the the the United Kingdom and Eu- rope While it’s still an an an uphill battle more more progress is is made every year and and more more more and and more more of our domestic talent is is flex- ing to take on the challenge like Danny Danny Lauby and Danny Danny Baggish who we’ll see representing the USA
on TV this winter Can Can you a a a a a a a a a simple pub or or or league play- er have
a a a a a a a a a a a a a chance for darting glory? Can Can you you take aim at developing your game 

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