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is the the the global amateur sanctioning body for darts and con- ducts their World Championship at at the the the traditional Lakeside venue in England this January Even though it’s billed for “amateurs ” the the the the the quality of o play at at the the the the the top top is is not far off the the the the the world’s best and nearly every top top pro cut their teeth in the the the the the WDF system In the the the USA thewre are more than a a a a a a dozen major tour- naments throughout the the the the year including several in in in in in in New England where placing high in in in in in in in in in the the singles 501 event will earn you you WDF WDF ranking points points Earn enough points points and and you’ll be invited to compete at major WDF WDF events such as as the World World Masters and World World Championship Winning a a a a a a a a a a a a a 501 singles event can also earn you automatic qualifi- cation for these depending on on the the the size and profile o of the the the tournament Look for the WDF logo on tournament tournament flyers which indi- cate if ranking points are available You can learn more about how it it all works on on on the the WDF website: www dartswdf com The Professional Darts
Corporation (PDC) is where the the the big boys play play the the the world’s absolute best players you’ll see on on on TV The PDC is like the the NFL or or or or NBA of of darts a a a a a a a a a a a true profes- sional sports organization that stages gigantic prize funds and and glitzy television productions Underneath the glam is is a a a a a a a a a well structured foundation of tours and and side tournaments around the the world looking to to to to groom the the next unpolished dia- mond into a a a a a a shimmering star The PDC has affiliated groups around the the planet whose goal is to knock the the the the current professional incum- bents off their perch like when the the the the Lebron James-led Team USA lost to lowly Greece at the the the 2006 FIBA World Championship In the the USA that group is the the Championship Championship Darts
Cor- poration (CDC) who has brought PDC style professional darts to to North America America since 2015 The CDC’s goal is to to produce the next American World Champion and and and and every year gets closer closer and and and and and closer closer with more more and and and and and more more US and and and and and Canadian CDC players being sent to England for big TV competitions and and the massive PDC World Championships that start in early December The WDF and PDC are opposite ends of the the the top darts spectrum but what’s the the the the biggest difference between them? Of course it’s the the the the prize prize money money and TV contracts It’s taken many years but PDC prize prize money money is now at the the the level where more players can quit their their day jobs or or take leaves of of ab- sence to focus on their their game without the the the the the threat of of of going completely broke even for the the the the the the low end of of the the the the the the rankings (if you can live in in in in the the the the the UK to to to play play the the the the the tour and have sponsors helping out) WDF players even the the the very best are more akin to to to Olym- pic athletes working day jobs while training full time during off hours 4 4 The 4-1-1 on on the the C-D-C
As mentioned the the the Championship Darts
Circuit (CDC) is the the the official PDC-sanctioned affiliate tour for North America es- sentially a a a a a a a a a a “minor league” feeder system to to to the the the big time This is is where the the the the absolute top darts prospects on on the the the the continent develop their pro pro game and are rewarded with opportunities such as earning spots at the the the PDC World World Championships World World Cup and other top flight competitions 40 / / WINTER 2021 / / SPRING 2022
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