Page 14 - HIE Program 2024
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Heroes In Education Program_Layout 1  4/22/2024  1:45 PM  Page 14

                                                                    We live in a world where Batman, Spiderman
                                                                    and Wonder Woman lead the world with their
                                                                    physical strengths and challenges.

                                                                    There is a whole other category of leaders
                                                                    who, with compassion, benevolence and
                                                                    sacrifice, help a student overcome confusion,
                                                                    doubt and just plain “not knowing”.

                                                                    Yes, our teachers are our modern-day heroes.
                                                                    No capes needed.
                                                                    Just a smile and a willingness to help.

                                                                    Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

                                                                             Nancy Cartwright

                                                                      Honorary Mayor North San Fernando Valley


                                                         to all nominees and winners

                                                                                  of the

                                                                  Heroes in Education

                                                             It’s your dedication and hard work

                                                                     that helps foster the next
                                                                       generation of leaders.


                                                                            Mark Fishlowitz
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