Page 12 - CA MusicBox Reciital 2023
P. 12
T ank yo
T i recital has been organized to s owcase t progre s of o r s udents.
Anot er reason why we arrang d t i s ecial event i to say “T ank yo ” to
everyone who has sup or ed and trus ed us. Parents, t ank yo for yo r trus .
Teachers, t ank yo for yo r hard work. Volunteers, t ank yo for yo r
ded cation. Some of t people we re pect and love t mos worked behind t
scene in several events. We wo ld like to expre s o r sincere gratitude to Bonnee
Lal o z, Er c Stuar , t Nor h Val ey Regional Chamber, (uncle) Jonny
Jenks and Brenda Altamira for al yo r effor s in so many California
MusicBox events. T ere i an extended family behind t i school and none of
t e e hear felt events co ld have been pos ible wit o t yo r love and sup or .
~ California MusicBox, Alexi , And eas and Mavi Farmakalid s