Page 4 - Brandsence Portfolio
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Who we are
 Gerrie Heyneke | Strategy
Founder and Managing Director of award- winning advertising agency, The White House. After successful pitches and new brand launches such as Vodacom and McDonalds, partnering
in the repositioning of Woolworths and key management roles in Opel, Caltex and Spur he retired from the industry in 1998. Four years later he returned as an independent brand strategist responsible for new brand development. With
45 years’ industry experience he more than
ever believes in the role brands play in driving business in a borderless and competitive environment.
“The essence of strategy is what not to do.”
Michael Porter
Alun Davies | Creative
As an internationally recognised award winning designer whose corporate identity, retail, magazine design and layout, desktop publishing, reproduction, electronic media and management expertise, successfully delivered business results, business change and creative team leading for the past 30 years. An experienced professional, his continued ability to attract and attain international clientele like Merrill, Girl Scouts
of America and the Livestrong Foundation affirms his reputation as a leading creative. Brand building and value addition is witnessed
in his ability to integrate into clients’ culture, unleashing innovative opportunities
and solutions.
“Design for people. Not for brands.”
Andrea Pacheco
 “The key is, no matter what story you tell, make your buyer the hero.”
Chris Brogan

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