Page 27 - WorkersCompensationGuide
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claim solely for PPD must be filed not more than four years from the last
            date TTP or TPD disability benefits were paid,
                   Potential Pitfall:  These are merely general guidelines.
            Calculating the statute of limitations for a specific case can be
            extremely complicated.  Several different statutes of limitations apply in

            workers’ compensation cases depending on the situation.  Moreover,
            the law provides some exceptions to a claim for benefits that has not
            been timely filed.  It is very important that you seek advice from an

            experienced workers’ compensation attorney immediately after your
            accident to make sure the statute of limitations is correctly calculated
            for your specific circumstance.

            §6.3 Surveillance
                   The goal of the insurance company in your workers’
            compensation case is to defend the claim and pay as little out on your

            claim as possible.  Remember, insurance companies are for-profit entities
            that will pull out all of the stops to save money, including placing you

            under surveillance.  After you file a claim for benefits, it common for the
            insurance company to hire a private investigator to follow you around for
            some period of time to observe your activities.  If you are caught on

            camera engaging in an activity that is contrary to your work limitations
            or contrary to the complaints you are making, the employer/insurer will
            file for hearing and ask a judge to suspend your benefits.

                   The bottom line: I tell my clients to live your life as best you
            can despite your injuries and do not let the fear of surveillance cause
            you to constantly look behind you or cause excessive worry. Just DO

            NOT engage in any activity that is contrary to your work restrictions or

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