Page 18 - NSPD Eastern Region Directory
P. 18

                                          National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Inc

                                             National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Inc.
                              July – December
                                                                                     January – June
                             July – December                                        January – June
                                                                              •   Commission on Civil Rights and Education
                                                                              •   Commission on Civil Rights and Education
                         •   Conclave (Odd Years Only)                        •   Release
                                                                                  Respond to vital political issues throughout
                                                                                  Respond to vital political issues throughout
                             Chapter Committee Planning Meetings
               July      • •   Conclave (Odd Years Only)         January      •   the year
                                                                                  the year
              July       • •   Chapter Committee Planning Meetings   January   •  Observance of Martin Luther King, Jr.
                             Chapter PLANNING RETREAT
                        •   Chapter PLANNING RETREAT                          •   Observance of Martin Luther King, Jr.
                                                                              •   Holiday
                                                                                  Regional Program Reports due
                                                                                  Executive Council Meeting Registration
                                                                              • •   Regional Program Reports due
                         •   CHAPTER PLANNING RETREAT              Regional   • •   Executive Council Meeting Registration
                                                                                  Conduct African-American History Month
                             Plan Regional Transition Meetings
                         • •   CHAPTER PLANNING RETREAT          Conference   •   Conduct African-American History Month
                                                                                  Submit Perpetual Scholarship Application
                             Plan Cluster Meetings/Regional Retreat
                         • •   Plan Regional Transition Meetings   Registration  •  Observance
                                                                  , February
                                  (alternating years)egional Retreat
                                                                                  Attend Executive Council Planning Meeting
             August     •  •  Plan Cluster Meetings/R            Registration,   • •   Submit Perpetual Scholarship Application
                                                                    E. R.
                                                                                  Attend Executive Council Planning Meeting
                                     (alternating years)
            Cluster 4/5      All  Cluster 4  &  5  Sorors  –  Attend   the  Executive  • •   Send Roster of 25 & 50 Year members
                             Cluster Meeting
                                                                                  Submit Chapter Membership Reports
            Cluster 4/5   •   All Cluster 4 & 5 Sorors – Attend the Cluster   Planning  • •   Send Roster of 25 & 50 Year members
                                                                    E. R.
                            Meeting                                           •   Submit Chapter Membership Reports
                                                                                  Affiliate Group  Member Rosters are due for
                                                                  Executive       Affiliate Group  Member Rosters are due for
                                                                                  Xinos, Kudos, KOT, Anthropos, & Hub
                                                                  Planning        Xinos, Kudos, KOT, Anthropos, & Hub
            September    •   Recruit chapter scholarship candidates  Meeting   •  Parents
                                                                                  Attend and support Annual Youth
             Cluster 1
            September    • •   Recruit chapter scholarship candidates   March   •   Attend and support Annual Youth
                                                                                  Conference; Xinos & Kudos
                             Publicize  and  finalize  Teach-A-Rama
             Cluster 2  •   Public                               Conference   •   Conference; Xinos & Kudos
                             plansize and  finalize  Teach-A-Rama
                                                                                  Announce Scholarship awards
            Cluster 1    •  plans                                   Youth     • •   Announce Scholarship awards
             Cluster 3
                                                                                  Submit “Slate of Officer”
                             Reorganize  Xinos,  Kudos,  and   KOT
                                                                                  Form Krinon Club
            Cluster 2   •   Reorganize Xinos, Kudos, and  KOT    Conference   • •   Submit “Slate of Officer”
                         •  Groups          local        chapter              • •   Form Krinon Club
                                                                                  Complete & submit Life Membership
            Cluster 3   •   Conduct         local       chapter               •   Complete & submit Life Membership
                             Officer/Chairperson’s Workshop
                         •  Officer/Chairperson’s Workshop                    •   Application
                             Make  ERFR Contribution  (according to
                                                                                  Complete registration for Regional
                             assigned   quarter  for   the  Cluster)   All
                        •   Make  ERFR Contribution  (according to            •   Complete registration for Regional
                                                                                  Conference & Literacy Luncheon
                            assigned  quarter  for  the Cluster)  All             Conference & Literacy Luncheon
                             Clusters  1, 2,  3 Sorors  implement and
                             attend Cluster Meetings
                            Clusters  1, 2, 3  Sorors implement  and
              October    •  attend Cluster Meetings                 April     Every Soror is expected to plan to attend and
                             Begin plans for  Children/Adult Holiday
             October    •   Begin  plans for  Children/Adult Holiday   Annual  participate in a E. R. Conference a minimum of
                                                                              Every Soror is expected to plan to attend and
                         •  Activities                              E. R.     once every two years to remain current, fulfill
                                                                              participate in a E. R. Conference a minimum of
                             Provide Guidance for Xinos & Kudos SAT/
                                                                              once every two years to remain current, fulfill
                             ACT  candidates.     Provide   Career
                        •   Provide Guidance  for  Xinos & Kudos   Conference  requirements for chapter leadership, and to
                                                                              requirements for chapter leadership, and to
                            SAT/ACT  candidates.  Provide  Career   E. R.     enhance and maintain the bonds of sororal
                             Exploration activities for Xinos & Kudos.
                             Present   annual   program   and  vote  on
                            Exploration activities for  Xinos & Kudos.    Conference   sisterhood.
                                                                              enhance and maintain the bonds of sororal
                            Present  annual  program and vote on              sisterhood.
             November    •  budget                                   May      •   Annual Reports to National Coordinator due
                             Teach-A-Rama for educators and parents/
            November    •   Teach-A-Rama    for  educators  and     May       • •   Founders’ Day observance
                                                                                  Annual Reports to National Coordinator due
                         •  parents/students                                  • •   Conduct Chapter Elections
                             Book Week
                                                                                  Founders’ Day observance
                             Submit  International/National  Projects
                                                                                  Conduct Chapter Elections
                         • •   Book Week                                      • •   Submit membership per capita
                                                                                  Submit membership per capita in Conclave
                        •   Submit  International/National Projects           • •   Pay Chapter Dues, Reg’l/Nat’l/capita
                         •  Contributions                                         Years
                             Submit Chapter Tax as required
                             Submit Affiliate Insurance for all groups
                         • •   Submit Chapter Tax as required
                             Submit PRO FORMA & 990 FORM before
                         • •   Submit Affiliate Insurance for all groups
                             Nov. 7th
                        •   Submit PRO FORMA & 990 FORM before
                             Provide JOY for Adults and/or Children,
             December    •  Nov. 7th                                June      •   Conduct End of Year Activities for
                             of your choice
            December    •   Provide JOY for Adults and/or Children,   Suggestions:  •   Conduct End of Year Activities for
                         •  of your choice                         Officers   •   Sorors/Xinos/Kudos/KOT
                             Pan  African-American   History   Week
                                                                                  Prepare Chapter Membership Report
                                                                                  (Conclave Year)
                        •   Pan African-American History  Week   Suggestions  •   Prepare Chapter Membership Report
                            Activities                             Meetings   •   (Conclave Year)
                                                                                  Include Roster of Inactive Sorors
                                                                                  Include Roster of Inactive Sorors (non-
                                                                  Transitional   •   (non-financial for more than 10 years’
                                                                   Meetings       financial for more than 10 years’   17
                                                                              •   Pay Chapter Dues, Reg’l/Nat’l/capita

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