Page 28 - PIR 2020
P. 28

Empart Australia
stewarding finances
We take the responsibility of stewarding the generously given finances of the Kingdom very seriously.
  4.4% 4.4% 2.1% 2.1%
IncomeIncome 2020 2020
93.5% 93.5%
For every dollar you donated to Empart’s work in the field, over 80 cents directly benefited the field country projects.
To maintain high levels of accountability and transparency, we are registered with the ACNC (Australian Charities and Not- for-profits Commission) and are governed and guided by our Board. We are also committed to ongoing auditing by a qualified external auditor.
It is often wondered why a percentage of donations don’t make it directly to the field.
17.6% 17.6%
Donations to Field Country Projects
Donations to support Australian operations
Administration and marketing costs are crucial to enable us
to share with you the stories of transformation, to connect with a wider base of supporters to expand the ministry of Empart, to get your funds safely to the field, and to ensure we meet high standards of accountability and compliance.
A number of our partners give specifically towards administration and operation costs in Australia, knowing that supporting and growing the capacity of the team here is crucial to supporting the work in Asia.
Field Country Projects
Fundraising & Administration
This also means that a greater proportion of funds given by other supporters can go straight to projects on the field.
Our audited financial statements are publicly available on the ACNC website —
How to give Online
Direct Debit
Account Name: Empart Inc.
BSB: 013-278 ACC: 4806 53683 REF: ‘insert phone number’ PIR Example REF: 0412345678PIR
ExpendEitxuprenditure 2020 2020
82.4% 82.4%

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