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with self- completion questionnaires.
7.2.1 Data collection at intake
The author and a research assistant identified all potential study recruits from the lists of new patients attending assessment appointments on the designated day of each month for the first data collection period. Potential study recruits were identified as all those attending with primary problems of alcohol or heroin misuse and or dependence. The study was described to each as she or he arrived, their verbal consent was sought and when gained these patients were included in the study sample.
The study was explained to study recruits who were then asked for their consent:
1) to complete two questionnaires in addition to the battery of self- completion
assessment questionnaires which is routinely administered at the first attendance at
the agency;
2) to give to the researcher information on current use;
3) to be followed up at home at three months and at twelve months following postal
contact regardless of their treatment status at the time; in other words, inclusion was
on an intention to treat basis;
4) if the above did not yield a response, for the research team to contact one named
contact person for the purpose of establishing their whereabouts but not for gaining
information regarding their drug or alcohol use.
Signed consent was requested for the last two items. Information offered by the study
participants on the name and details of a locator contact person were included in the consent form (see Appendix 17).
The battery of self-completion questionnaires and the supplementary questions were administered prior to the initial assessment on arrival at the treatment centre. Participants were offered assistance in completing the questionnaires if they required it. They were further informed that clinical staff would not have access to any follow-up information. They were requested to give information regarding their chosen contact person who would be approached to help the researchers to trace their whereabouts should they have moved.
7.2.2 Measures: self-completion scales
The following five self-completion measures were administered to all study participants at the first data collection point and were repeated at the second and third data collection points.