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1. the Leeds Dependence Questionnaire (LDQ) (Raistrick et al. 1994)(see Appendix 1)
2. the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) (Goldberg 1972) (see Appendix 14)
3. the Social Satisfaction Questionnaire (SSQ) (Raistrick et al. in preparation) (see
Appendix 15)
4. the Impaired Control Scale (ICS) (Heather et al. 1993) (see Appendix 3) or the
adapted version for heroin users (see Chapter 5 and Appendix 4)
5. the Coping Behaviours Inventory (CBI) (Litman et al. 1983) (see Appendix 9) or the
adapted version for heroin users (see Chapter 6 and Appendix 11).
The first three of these scales were chosen for the following reasons: the Leeds Dependence Questionnaire was used to investigate the main study hypotheses which refer to the nature of change in substance dependence. Validation studies of the Leeds Dependence Questionnaire are presented in Chapter 3 where instructions and scoring methods are described. The GHQ and the SSQ, described below, were thought to be related but distinct variables which tap into domains commonly found to be affected by substance use (Raistrick et al. 1994). Confirmation by factor analysis of the distinctiveness of these variables from each other and from the other two main study variables (Impaired Control and Coping Behaviours) is reported in Chapter 9. The background, instructions and validation studies for the Impaired Control Scale and adaptation and validation of a version for heroin users is described in Chapter 5. Validation of the Coping Behaviours Inventory and adaptation and validation of a version for heroin users is described in Chapter 6.
7.2.3 The General Health Questionnaire
The 12 item version of the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) (Goldberg 1972) was already in routine use at the study agency and was administered to all new patients as part of the assessment package. It was included in the present study on the grounds that it was thought to measure a distinct domain that was closely related to dependence and may be found to predict outcomes in dependence. The General Health Questionnaire was:
"designed to be a self-administered screening test aimed at detecting psychiatric disorders among respondents in community settings and non-psychiatric clinical settings such as primary care oramonggeneralmedicalout-patients..... Itaimedatdetecting

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