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Chapter 8
Study 4: the main study. Results 1 8.0 Sample characteristics
In this chapter, the study samples seen at each of the data collection points are described and compared and findings relating to changes in use, dependence, psychological health and social satisfaction scores are reported. All analyses of the data were performed using SPSS for Windows (versions 6.1 and 8.0). Four samples are described in the results chapters which are the present chapter and the following chapter (Chapters 8 and 9); these are:
i Sample 6: the entire sample recruited to the main study and seen at intake (t1).
ii Sample 6a is the sample seen at t1 and at three month follow-up (t2)
iii Sample 6b is the sample seen at t1 and twelve month follow-up (t3)
iv Sample 6c is the sample seen at t1, t2 and t3.
Thus all of those in Samples 6a, 6b and 6c were in Sample 6.
First, Sample 6 is described and data are presented by substance group. The sample seen at three months (Sample 6a) is then described and comparisons between demographic data and t1 main measures for this sample and the group not followed up at three months are presented. With the exception of amounts used, these data are not presented by substance group. Changes detected between the initial data collection point (t1) and the three month data collection point (t2) are then presented for Sample 6a.
The sample seen at twelve months (Sample 6b) is described next and again comparisons between the demographic data and scores on the t1 main measures for this sample and the group not seen at twelve months are presented. Changes detected between the initial data collection point (t1) and the twelve month data collection point (t3) are presented for Sample 6b.
Comparisons are then made between the whole sample recruited (Sample 6), the sample followed up at three months (Sample 6a) and the sample followed up at twelve months (Sample 6b).
The sample seen at all three data collection points (Sample 6c) is then described and t1 data are presented by substance group. Data collected at three months (t2) and at twelve months (t3) are