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score the greater the severity on all these three measures. The data are presented by primary substance (heroin or alcohol) in Table 8.2.
abstinent (%)
1-3 days per week use (%) 4-6 days per week use (%) daily use (%)
grams per heaviest day mean
SD range
LDQ mean SD
GHQ mean SD
11 (7.2)
6 (4)
8 (5.2) 127 (83.6) .7
.5 0-1.8
21.2 6.3
8.6 2.9
10.4 5.4
mean SD
Table 8.2 t1 data by substance: Sample 6 (n = 230)
    gender: % male age
days per week
duration use (in years)
duration problem use (in years)
heroin n = 152
mean 23.9 SD 5.4 range 15-47
mean 6.2 SD 2.1
mean 3.3 SD 3.1 range .25-31
mean 2.2 SD 2.8 range .08-31
alcohol n = 78
40.4 12.6 19-80
4.6 2.8
19.6 12.2 2-66
8.6 8.7 .3-55
16 (20.5)
9 (11.5)
14 (18)
39 (50)
174 146.7 0-684
18.2 7.8
7.4 4.2
9.1 6.5
p< ns1 .0012
.0012 .0012
.0013 .0013 .0013 .0013 na
.012 ns2 ns2
1 Mann Whitney U test for difference in the means of independent samples
2 t-tests for equality of the means of independent samples; difference between the
means fell within a 95% confidence interval. 3 chi square
   Mean age of the heroin user group was 23.9 (SD = 5.4) and a range of 15 to 47 years while the mean age of the alcohol user group was 40.4 (SD = 12.6) with a range of 19 to 80 years. Mean age in the heroin group was just over half that of the alcohol group, while the ratio of men to women was higher in the heroin group. Heroin users had a significantly shorter duration of use and of problem use than alcohol users. A significantly higher proportion of alcohol users than heroin

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