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users were abstainers at the time of initial assessment, 20.5% compared with 7.2% and there was a significantly higher proportion of daily users in the heroin group than in the alcohol group, 83.6% compared with 50%. Mean dependence score for the heroin group was significantly higher than it was for the alcohol group, and this difference in dependence between groups is further illustrated in the boxplot in Figure 8.1. The Levene test for homogeneity of variances produced a significance level of .009 suggesting unequal variances for the two drug groups. General Health Questionnaire and Social Satisfaction Questionnaire scores, though lower in both cases for the alcohol group (denoting less severity) than the heroin group, were not significantly different.
Figure 8.1 Mean total dependence scores: Sample 6 heroin group (n=150) and alcohol group (n=77) (LDQ data missing for 3 participants)