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dependence and psychological health scores are higher but not significantly so in the group not seen at twelve months compared to Sample 6b, seen at twelve months. Thus, with the exception of the amount of alcohol used, there is a trend towards greater severity in the group not seen at t3. The social satisfaction score for the group not seen at twelve months is significantly higher, denoting greater dissatisfaction, than that of the sample seen at twelve months. There are nearly no differences in the t1 scores between the samples seen at three months and at twelve months and of course this is in large part due to the fact that some 73% of the Sample 6b were the same people as those in Sample 6a.
8.3.2 Sample 6b: changes in substance use and dependence between t1 and t3
Reductions in scores on all substance use measures, including amount of alcohol consumed on heaviest day, between the first data collection point and twelve months reached statistical significance. Dependence, General Health Questionnaire and Social Satisfaction Questionnaire scores were significantly reduced suggesting improvement over this period (see Table 8.9).
Table 8.9 Changes detected over the twelve month follow-up period: Sample 6b (n=138; heroin: n= 87; alcohol: n= 51)
    no. of days used in previous week
grams used on heaviest day: heroin
grams used on heaviest day: alcohol
1 Related Samples t-test
2.7 (3)
.3 (.3)
110.9 (125)
11.6 (9.3) 4.3 (4.3) 7.5 (5.5)
.0012 .0012 .0012
mean and SD
5.5 (2.5) .7 (.5)
181.3 (155.5)
19.5 (7.4) 7.9 (3.6) 9.1 (5.6)
Ranks Test
t3 p< mean and
   Wilcoxon Matched Pairs Signed
Detailed examination of the use data for the sample that was seen at t3 reveal an increase of 37% in the proportion of the heroin group abstinent at twelve months compared to the proportion abstinent at t1, and this increase is similar to that found in the sample followed up at three months (see Table 8.7). The difference between the proportion of alcohol users abstinent at t1 and at t3

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