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2-tailed). Those who achieved reliable change used cognitive coping at twelve months significantly more frequently than those who did not achieve such change. The greater frequency of use of behavioural coping and of all coping at twelve months by those who had reliable change in dependence between three months and twelve months and those who did not, did not reach statistical significance.
These data suggest that coping changes with changes in dependence and use in people with high dependence, and that behavioural coping is associated with change during the first three months. What are the causes and the effects of changes in either cannot be established with these data and the intervals at which they have been collected.
The relative use of cognitive and behavioural coping strategies in the different dependence groups was examined in the group that achieved reliable change scores in dependence. The ratio of cognitive to behavioural items was computed using mean item scores; in Table 9.16 the ratios of cognitive to behavioural coping strategies used at t1 and t2 by people who showed reliable change at t2 in each of the high and low dependence groups are presented.
Table 9.16 Ratios of cognitive to behavioural coping in those whose reliable change score was greater than 1.96: Sample 6a (n=151; high dependence n=26 and low dependence n=23 groups)
Ratio cognitive to behavioural coping:
t1 t2
high dependence t1 1.37:1 1.56:1
low dependence t1 1.63:1 1.65:1
The ratios of cognitive to behavioural coping strategies at t1 and at t2 were computed for the high and low dependence sub-samples. The ratio of behavioural to cognitive coping was highest in the high dependence group, in other words at t1 the use of behavioural and cognitive coping was closer to one to one than it was in the low dependence group, suggesting only that a larger ratio of behavioural to cognitive coping was used in the high dependence group, but not that a higher frequency of behavioural to cognitive coping was used in this group.