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functioning: dependence score, psychological health score and social satisfaction score, coping and attempts to control at intake and number of treatment events at three months. For the purpose of this group of analyses, Sample 6c, the sample seen at both three months and twelve month follow-up, was used on each occasion. In this analysis, dependence at intake emerged once more as the sole significant predictor of reliable change in dependence at three months (Beta=.0774; S.E.=.0392; p<.05; R=.1248).
In order to investigate whether different variables predicted clinically significant change in dependence (as defined by Jacobson et al. 1999) at three months, a dichotomous measure of clinically significant change was assigned to each participant with 1 denoting change and 0 denoting no change. Participants were deemed to have met the criteria for clinically significant change when their reliable change index was greater than 1.96 and their dependence score at three months was 9 or less. Using the same model, substance group emerged as a significant predictor (p<.05) of clinically significant change. The correlation coefficient for age was significant at the .06 level and emerged as the variable most closely approaching significance. Age and substance group are variables which are highly related in the study sample. These data are presented below in Table 9.22.
Predictors of clinically significant change in dependence at twelve months were examined by using functioning variables (dependence, psychological health, social satisfaction, attempts to control use and coping strategies at three months and the number of treatment events between three and twelve months. The only significant predictor of clinically significant change in dependence between three months and twelve months was total dependence score at three months (B=.0911; S.E. = .0442; df 1; p<.04; R=.1456).

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