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Table 9.22 Logistic regression analysis for prediction of clinically significant change in dependence at three months :Beta (the correlation coefficient), degrees of freedom (df), R (the amount of variance explained) and levels of significance for 9 independent variables: Sample 6c (n = 101)
LDQ t1
GHQ t1
SSQ t1
CBI t1
treatment t1-t2
Beta S. E. .06 .03 .19 .55 -.02 .01 -.03 .04 .02 .08 -.02 .05 -.00 .06 -.02 .01 .12 .10
.86 1.65
df sig R
1 .06 .12 1 .74 .00 1 .03 -.15 1 .42 .00 1 .85 .00 1 .72 .00 1 .97 .00 1 .11 -.07 1 .22 .00
1 .60
          Predictors of change in dependence were examined for individuals who had high dependence scores at intake. High dependence was computed as a total LDQ score equal to or greater than 24 at intake. None of the independent variables in the model predicted statistically reliable change in dependence between intake and three months. Nor did they predict clinically significant change in dependence between intake and three months. No further tests were run for this group. However, this was a very small sample of 39 participants: although 48 individuals in the sample seen at three months fulfilled the criteria for high dependence at intake, complete data were not available for 9 of these.
9.5 Predictors of change in substance use
Predictors of change in dependence proved elusive given the measures used in the present study. By way of comparison, predictors of two measures of use were examined; these were the dichotomous dependent variable: abstinent or using during the past seven days and the change, between intake and three months and between three months and twelve months, in the number of days per week using the substance. When abstinence at three months was computed as a

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