Page 260 - PhD GT
P. 260
Appendix 8 (cont.)
Part 3: items 16-25 Factors (with eigenvalues over 1) and eigenvalues
Factor Eigenvalue
1 4.53
2 1.94
% of variance cumulative%
45.3 45.3 19.4 64.7
Part 3: items 16-25 item loadings on Factors 1 and 2
item factor 1
16 .79
17 .74
18 .82
19 .57
20 .67
21 .50
22 .49
23 .61
24 .82
25 .63
factor 2 -.21 -.29 -.15
.51 -.38 .65 .63 -.45 -.27 .53