Page 262 - PhD GT
P. 262
Appendix 10
1. I stay in the house
2. I avoid people who use
3. I don't get any money for drugs/alcohol
4. I give all my money to someone else
5. I spend time with my parents
6. I spend time with people who do not use
7. I avoid looking for drugs/alcohol
8. I avoid situations that make me feel like taking drugs /alcohol
9. I exercise a lot
10. I spend time with my family
11. I try to fill my days with other things
12. I take methadone /naltrexone / antabuse/ a drug that stops me wanting to use
13. I let people know I'm not drinking / using
14. I tell friends not to come round
15. I only go out with people who do not use
16. I got a job
17. I go to AA / NA meetings I talk to people / to a special person about not using / not drinking
18. I plan what I am going to do each day
19. I use substitutes (other drugs that I am not dependent on)
20. I avoid things that remind me of drinking / using drugs
21. I think of the bad things that would happen if I started drinking / taking drugs again
22. I think about the bad things that have happened in the past
23. I think about what I was like when I was using / drinking
24. I think about the things that I have lost
25. I think of the good things that will happen if I stay off
26. I think about all the other things I could do with my time / money
27. I think about my mother / parents
28. I think about my children / partner
29. I think I'm an addict / alcoholic and I cannot use/ drink without getting into trouble
30. I think negative thoughts about people who use / drink
31. I think that I am a better person now
32. I pray
33. I think of the AA / NA principles
34. I think that I am in control of my life
35. I try not to think about drinking / taking drugs
36. I think that I have no personality when I use.
37. I think that I would die if I started again
38. I think about the things that I enjoy when I am not using drugs / drinking
39. I think that I can stay off
40. I feel ashamed / embarrassed about doing it