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Tober G, Raistrick D, Crosby HF, Sweetman J, Unsworth S, Suna L, & Copello A​ (2013) Co-producing addiction aftercare. ​Drugs and Alcohol Today​ 13: 225-233
doi: 10.1108/DAT-05-2013-0024
Watson JM, Crosby H, Dale VM, Tober G, Wu Q, Lang J, McGovern R, Newbury-Birch D, Parrott S, Bland JM, Drummond C, Godfrey C, Kaner E & Coulton S on behalf of the AESOPS Trial Team​ (2013) AESOPS: a randomised controlled trial of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of opportunistic screening and stepped care interventions for older hazardous alcohol users in primary care. ​Health Technology Assessment​ 17 No25: 1-176
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Watson JM, Tober G, Raistrick D, Mdege N, Dale V, Crosby H, Godfrey C, Lloyd C, Toner P, Parrott S on behalf of the ARiAS Research Group, NIHR CLAHRC for Leeds, York and Bradford​ (2013) An alcohol-focused intervention versus a healthy living intervention for problem drinkers identified in a general hospital setting (ADAPTA): study protocol for a randomized, controlled pilot trial. ​Trials​ 14: 117
Oluyase AO, Raistrick D, Abbasi Y, Dale V & Lloyd C​ (2013) A study of the psychotropic prescriptions of people attending an addiction service in England. ​Advances in Dual Diagnosis​ 6: 54-65
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Sweetman J, Raistrick D, Mdege N & Crosby H​ (2013) A systematic review of substance misuse assessment packages. ​Drug and Alcohol Review​ 32: 347-355
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