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Dale V, Coulton S, Godfrey C, Copello A, Hodgson R, Heather N, Orford J, Raistrick D, Slegg G & Tober G on behalf of the UKATT Research Team (2011) Exploring Treatment Attendance and its Relationship to Outcome in a Randomized Controlled Trial of Treatment for Alcohol Problems: Secondary Analysis of the UK Alcohol Treatment Trial (UKATT). Alcohol and Alcoholism 46: 592-599
doi: 10.1093/alcalc/agr079 PubMed: 21733833
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Heather N, Adamson SJ, Raistrick D & Slegg G on behalf of the UKATT Research Team (2010) I nitial Preference for Drinking Goal in the Treatment of Alcohol Problems: I. Baseline Differences Between Abstinence and Non-Abstinence Groups. Alcohol and Alcoholism 45: 128-135
doi: 10.1093/alcalc/agp096 PubMed: 20130149
Adamson SJ, Heather N, Morton V & Raistrick D on behalf of the UKATT Research Team (2010) Initial Preference for Drinking Goal in the Treatment of Alcohol Problems: II. Treatment Outcomes. Alcohol and Alcoholism 45: 136-142
doi: 10.1093/alcalc/agq005 PubMed: 20130150
Raistrick D, Tober G, Godfrey C & Parrott S (2010) Treatment as Usual, in S MacGregor (Ed) Responding to Drug Misuse: Research and Policy Priorities in Health and Social Care.
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Heather N, Hönekopp J & Smailes,D on behalf of the UKATT Research Team (2009) Progressive stage transition does mean getting better: a further test of the Transtheoretical Model in recovery from alcohol problems. Addiction 104: 949-958
doi: 10.1111/j.1360-0443.2009.02578.x PubMed: 19466920
Orford J on behalf of the UKATT Research Team (2009) To what factors do clients attribute change? content analysis of follow-up interviews with clients of the UK Alcohol Treatment Trial (UKATT) Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 36: 49-58
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Copello A, Orford J, Hodgson R & Tober G (2009) Social Behaviour and Network Therapy for Alcohol Problems.
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Orford J, Hodgson R, Copello A, Krishnan M, de Madriaga M & Coulton S on behalf of the UKATT Research Team (2009) What was useful about that session? Clients’ and therapists’ comments after sessions in the UK Alcohol Treatment Trial (UKATT). Alcohol and Alcoholism 44: 306-313
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Tober G, Clyne W, Finnegan O, Farrin A & Russell I in collaboration with the UKATT Research Team
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doi: 10.1093/alcalc/agn064 PubMed: 18818190
Coulton S, Watson J, Bland M. Drummond C. Kaner E, Godfrey C, Hassey A, Morton V, Parrott S, Phillips T, Raistrick D, Rumball D.& Tober G (2008) The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of