Page 10 - Sample Employee Handbook.doc
P. 10
When positions become available, qualified current employees are encouraged and are welcome to apply for the
position. As openings occur, notices relating general information about the position are posted. The supervisor with
the opening will arrange interviews with employees who apply. We encourage current employees to recruit new
talent for our Consortium.
Employment Classifications
The following terms will be used to describe employment classifications and status:
Exempt Employees
Exempt employees are individuals not subject to overtime pay laws. In general, overtime laws require that exempt
• Receive a pre-determined weekly salary that is not subject to change based on the employee's work
quality or quantity;
• Receive a salary that is at least equal to the salary level set by law; and
• Meet the requirements of an exempt job classification.
The federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) sets the most common set of overtime exemption standards. However,
additional state and local laws may also apply. Under the FLSA, the salary level is $684 per week ($35,568 per
year) and exemptions exist for administrative, professional, or management positions. Certain outside sales
persons and a few other job categories are also exempt.
Non-Exempt Employees
Salaried employees who do not meet all criteria for an overtime exemption and many hourly employees are
generally not exempt from overtime pay requirements.
Full-Time Employees
Full-time employees are those who are regularly scheduled to work at least 35 hours per week that are not hired on
a temporary basis.
For Internal Use Only -- Not For External Distribution