Page 35 - Delfi Diagnostics Handbook
P. 35
California Appendix
The following provisions apply to employees based in California (and supplement, and to the
extent inconsistent, supersede, the policy language regarding the same or similar topics in the
Employee Handbook):
Pregnancy Disability Leave and Accommodation
California employees disabled from working due to pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical
conditions will be granted an unpaid pregnancy disability leave up to the lesser of the actual
period of disability, or four months. This is in addition to any Family Care and Medical Leave to
which the employee may be entitled in order to care for the newborn. Pregnancy-related
disability leaves may be taken intermittently, or on a reduced-hours schedule, as medically
The Company will reasonably accommodate an employee’s medical needs related to pregnancy,
childbirth, or related conditions, as well as transfer an employee to a less strenuous or hazardous
position (where the transfer can be reasonably accommodated) or duties if medically needed
because of an employee’s pregnancy. Requests for leave should be submitted in writing and be
supported by certification from the attending physician. If the leave or transfer is foreseeable,
the employee must provide 30 calendar days’ advance notice to the Company of the need for
pregnancy-related disability leave or transfer. If it is not practicable for the employee to give 30
calendar days’ advance notice of the need for leave or transfer, the employee must notify the
Company as soon as practicable after learning of the need for the pregnancy-related disability
leave or transfer. While on approved Pregnancy Disability Leave, Company-paid group health
insurance coverage remains in effect for a maximum of four months. During that time period,
dependent benefit coverage will remain in effect as long as the employee continues to pay their
portion of the cost. The Company will thereafter continue health insurance coverage for
approved Family Care and Medical Leave Parental Leave, if applicable, to bond with the newborn.
An employee taking pregnancy-related disability leave may substitute any available sick pay for
their leave. Otherwise, leave is unpaid. The substitution of paid leave for pregnancy-related
disability leave does not extend the total duration of the leave to which an employee is entitled.
Employees may be entitled to California State Disability Insurance (“SDI”) and/or other applicable
state disability insurance. Employees returning to work will normally be reinstated to their
original position or a comparable position, consistent with applicable law. Upon return from
leave, employees are required to provide the People Team a release from their physician
indicating the employee’s ability to resume work. Taking a Pregnancy Disability Leave does not
protect an employee from non-leave related employment actions, such as a layoff.
Organ and Bone Marrow Donor Leave
Employees may take time off up to 30 business days in any one-year period to donate an organ,
or five business days in any one-year period to donate bone marrow, to another person. In
addition, employees may take an additional 30 business days of unpaid leave in a one-year period