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GreenPoint Ag Employee Handbook

               Confidential information includes, but is not limited to, the following examples:
                   •  Customer information including processes, programs, codes, lists and personal information
                   •  Financial information
                   •  Marketing strategies
                   •  Pending projects and proposals
                   •  Technological data and prototypes
                   •  Potential mergers or acquisitions
                   •  Employee information including organizational charts and personal data
                   •  All contracts, settlement, and release agreements
                   •  Site plans
                   •  Inventory data including shipping or delivery plans

               If an employee improperly uses or knowingly discloses a trade secret or confidential business
               information, the employee will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of
               employment and legal action. This applies even if the employee does not get any benefit from releasing
               the information.
               It is GreenPoint Ag’s policy to comply with all applicable antitrust laws and regulations. It is incumbent
               upon employees to be familiar with these laws and to seek guidance and instructions from
               management, and if necessary, from Legal. You are expected to conduct yourselves in a manner that
               maintains GreenPoint Ag’s compliance with all applicable antitrust laws, and you shall never discuss with
               any competitor: prices or terms of sale, division of territories or markets, allocation of customers,
               boycotts of customers or suppliers, marketing or sales programs, contract terms, acquisition plans,
               planned divestitures, or any business plans.

               Whistleblower Policy
               A whistleblower is someone who reveals information about activity that is deemed illegal, immoral,
               illicit, unsafe, or fraudulent. GreenPoint Ag is committed to a legal and ethical work environment that
               supports excellence in all aspects of our business. You are encouraged to report either orally or in
               writing to a manager, Human Resources, or our hotline (1-877-288-3815), evidence or suspicion of
               activity by a GreenPoint Ag department or employee that may constitute:
                   •  Substantial and specific danger to an employee or the public’s health and safety;
                   •  Instances of corporate fraud;
                   •  Unethical business conduct, such as improper accounting entries, violations of internal controls,
                       improper auditing procedures or the concealment of such violation of Local, State, or Federal
                       law or regulations;
                   •  Violation of GreenPoint Ag policies;
                   •  Any other matter which could cause substantial harm to GreenPoint Ag; or
                   •  Any retaliation for any report, complaint or allegation made under this Whistleblower Policy.

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