Page 21 - C:\Users\johnn\OneDrive\Documents\Flip PDF Professional\Employee Handbook Final 8-22-22\
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GreenPoint Ag Employee Handbook
Personal Property Liability
GreenPoint Ag provides free parking for its employees. Any damage to your titled or personal property
while parked or stored at or within property owned or leased by GreenPoint is your sole responsibility.
GreenPoint Ag employees are encouraged to have adequate insurance, i.e., auto, motorcycle,
homeowner, renter, etc. to cover damage or losses to any employee-owned titled or personal property
while on GreenPoint’s premises.
For clarity, by parking on GreenPoint Ag premises, you release from liability and indemnify and hold
harmless GreenPoint and any of its employees, officers, or directors from any and all liability for losses
and/or damages to employee-owned titled or personal property in connection with any activity or
September 2022 Page 20