Page 44 - nou Systems Employee Handbook Final
P. 44
• Your eligible pay ÷ all eligible pay = Your percent of shares available
• Your percent x total number of shares available = # shares added to your account
As a private company, the law requires the stock be valued annually. The ESOP trustee hires an
independent appraisal firm to assist with the valuation. This process takes several months; the
new value is typically known in the spring.
While the value is based on some factors you cannot control, like the economy, it also reflects
company performance and future potential — something you can impact with your daily
You earn the value of your ESOP account over time. The percentage of value you earn determines
what you will be paid after your employment ends.
You earn 1 year of vesting for each year you are credited with 1,000 hours, which includes all
years of service with the company except service prior to age 18. If you leave before you are
100% vested, you forfeit the unvested percentage of your account.
10.3 Employee Referral Bonus Program
The purpose of the Employee Referral Bonus Program is to provide an incentive award to a
current employee in a full-time position who brings new talent to nou Systems by referring
applicants who are subsequently selected and successfully employed. During times when the
Employee Referral Bonus Program is implemented, all employees in full-time positions are
eligible to receive a referral bonus with the exception of nou Systems Managers, and HR
The Employee Referral Program bonuses are awarded at the discretion of nou Systems
management. The bonus will be awarded after the applicant is hired and after the applicant has
successfully completed the 90-day retention period.
10.4 Educational Assistance Program
nou Systems, Inc. (nSI) encourages and promotes the education and training of its workforce. The
Educational Assistance Program is designed to help cover costs associated with degree programs,
and professional training classes or seminars. All education and training must be directly related
to work activities, and a degree program must be provided by an accredited college, university,
or technical school. Anyone interested in applying for tuition assistance must provide a written
plan to corporate leadership for pre-approval. The plan should include the course(s) of study,
program duration and timeline for completion, and reason for enrollment.
nSI will provide up to $10,000.00 of qualified reimbursement per calendar year for qualified and
approved programs, based upon available funds in the nSI Educational Pool. The Internal
Revenue Service (IRS) allows reimbursement to be paid tax-free, as outlined in Code Section 127,
of up to a maximum of $5,250 per calendar year, and up to $10,000 per calendar year as outlined
in Code Section 132(d). If you utilize the benefit beyond the amount of $5,2250 per calendar year
nSI Employee Handbook 44 Rev. 4 (2021))