Page 50 - nou Systems Employee Handbook Final
P. 50

their child. Employees must give advance notice of the need for time off unless giving advance
               notice is not feasible. Employees may use accrued time off (or in the case of exempt employee
               vacation, request to substitute vacation subject to the terms and conditions of the Discretionary
               Time Off policy). Otherwise, the time off will be unpaid.

               If requested,  the Company will  provide reasonable accommodation for the safety of the
               employee while at work. Such accommodation may include a transfer, reassignment, modified
               schedule, changed work telephone or station, lock installation, assistance in documenting any
               workplace Violence, or referral to assistance  resources. Accommodation requests will be
               evaluated in a timely, good faith, and interactive process with the employee.

               The Company will not discharge or otherwise discriminate or retaliate against an employee due
               to their status as a victim of Violence or for requesting an accommodation under this policy.
               Leave under this section also provides unpaid time off to seek medical attention for injuries
               caused by domestic violence or sexual assault, to obtain services from a domestic violence shelter
               program or  rape crisis center,  to obtain  psychological counseling,  or  to participate in safety
               planning or actions to increase safety.

               Leave for School Suspension Proceeding
               If a parent or guardian of a child facing suspension from school is summoned to the school to
               discuss the matter or for any other proceeding related to the suspension, you should alert your
               manager as soon as possible before leaving work. In agreement with all applicable laws, no
               discriminatory action will be taken against an employee who takes time off for this purpose.  You
               may elect to substitute accrued vacation (or in the case of exempt  employees, request  to
               substitute unlimited vacation subject to the terms and conditions of that policy) during leave
               under this section; otherwise, leave is unpaid.

               Leave for Educational/Child Care Purposes

               Employees who are parents will be granted time off without pay for up to 40 hours per calendar
               year to: (a) find, enroll, or re-enroll their child in a school or with a licensed childcare provider.

               (b) participate in the activities of schools or licensed childcare provider facilities attended by their
               children; and/or (c) address a childcare provider or school emergency. Combined time off for
               reasons (a) and (b) is limited to no more than eight hours in any calendar month. For purposes of
               this policy, “parent” means a parent, guardian, stepparent, foster parent, or grandparent of, or a
               person who stands in loco parentis to, a child. Employees must substitute accrued vacation for
               purposes of a planned absence under this section. Employees wishing to take time off under this
               section must provide their supervisors with reasonable notice of the planned absence. If both
               parents of a child are employed by the Company at the same worksite, the request for time off
               under this section will be granted to the first parent to provide notice of the need for time off.
               The request from the second parent will be accommodated if possible.

               nSI Employee Handbook                         50                                Rev. 4 (2021))
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