Page 27 - Green Mountain Research Handbook Final 8-9-21
P. 27
Green Mountain Research Employee Handbook
Workers Compensation
Workers’ Compensation Insurance is provided by the Company to cover on-the-job injuries. It is
best if injuries are reported immediately to your supervisor, if possible. Injuries must be
reported to the employee’s supervisor, a member of the Executive Team or any member of
management within 24 hours. The supervisor will complete an injury report with input from the
employee and return the form to Human Resources, who will file the claim with the insurance
company. In cases of true medical emergencies, report to the nearest emergency room.
GMR believes that when practical, workers recovering from injuries should continue to be
included in the workforce, subject to such limitations as shall be set by the physician.
Safety and Accident Rules
Safety is a joint venture between you and the Company. We provide a clean, hazard-free,
healthy, safe environment in which to work and make every effort to comply with all relevant
federal, state, and local occupational health and safety laws, including the federal Occupational
Safety and Health Act. As an employee, you have a duty to comply with the safety rules of the
Company, and you are expected to take an active part in maintaining this hazard-free
environment. You should observe all posted safety rules, adhere to all safety instructions
provided by your supervisor and use safety equipment where required. Your workspace should
be kept neat, clean, and orderly. You are required to report any accidents or injuries – including
any breaches of safety – and to promptly report any unsafe equipment, working condition,
process, or procedure to a supervisor. In addition, if you become ill or are hurt while at work,
you must notify your supervisor promptly. Failure to do so may result in a loss of benefits under
the state workers’ compensation law.
Employees who violate safety rules may be subject to discipline, up to and including
termination of employment.
Threatening, Abusive or Vulgar Language
We expect our employees to treat everyone they meet with courtesy and respect. Threatening,
abusive or vulgar language has no place in our workplace. It destroys morale and relationships,
and it impedes the effective mission of our company. As a result, we will not tolerate
threatening, abusive or vulgar language from employees. If you have questions about this
policy, contact your supervisor. Employees who violate this policy will face disciplinary action,
up to and including termination.
In Case of Violence
If you observe an incident or threat of violence that is immediate and serious, IMMEDIATELY
DIAL 9-1-1 and report it to the police. If the incident or threat does not seem to require
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Revision Date: 08/01/2021
Origination Date: 08/01/2021